A-Speakeasy Server MTG Card

Grants players card advantage, allowing them to stay ahead in resource competition. Accelerates resource access for earlier impact in the game, crucial for tempo. Offers instant speed reactions, adding strategic depth to in-game decisions.
A-Speakeasy Server - Streets of New Capenna
Mana cost
Converted mana cost5
TypeCreature — Bird Citizen
Abilities Flying
Set symbol
Set nameStreets of New Capenna
Set codeSNC
Power 3
Toughness 3
Illustred byScott Murphy

Text of card

Flying When Speakeasy Server enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each creature you control.

"Whatever ails you, friends, this will cure it for tonight! And leave you with a little inspiration for tomorrow."

Cards like A-Speakeasy Server

A Speakeasy Server stands out in the realm of Magic: The Gathering creature cards with unique abilities. Like A Speakeasy Server, Murmuring Mystic turns spellslinging into token generation, but instead of Treasure, you get a horde of flying Illusion tokens. This can develop a different kind of board presence while offering a defensive air force compared to the ramp that Treasure tokens provide.

Another card to consider is Pitiless Plunderer. It shares the Treasure token generation theme but triggers upon the demise of creatures instead of spellcasting. This leans toward a strategy that benefits from sac outlets or creature-heavy decks, whereas A Speakeasy Server capitalizes on simply playing noncreature spells, fitting more naturally into a spellslinger or control archetype.

The difference in setup requirements between these card options is key in shaping how a deck is built and how it functions during play. While spell-based triggers might be easier to plan around, creature-based synergies can yield higher token generation under the right circumstances. Both strategies carry their weight in a game of Magic: The Gathering, serving various playstyles and deck builds effectively.

Murmuring Mystic - MTG Card versions
Pitiless Plunderer - MTG Card versions
Murmuring Mystic - MTG Card versions
Pitiless Plunderer - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: A key benefit of A-Speakeasy Server is its ability to offer significant card advantage during gameplay. By seamlessly integrating into your strategy, it equips you with the tools to consistently outpace your opponent in card resources, assuring that you retain the upper hand.

Resource Acceleration: The mechanics of A-Speakeasy Server are intelligently designed to provide a much-needed boost in your resource management. As the game progresses, this can lead to a quicker deployment of your heavier and more impactful cards, propelling you toward victory at an accelerated pace.

Instant Speed: A-Speakeasy Server’s instant speed capability gives savvy players the flexibility to react during crucial moments. It ensures that you can maximize your mana efficiency, responding opportunistically to the evolving state of play and upsetting your opponent’s rhythm.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: A-Speakeasy Server comes with a demand that can put players at a disadvantage; it necessitates the discarding of a card. This could potentially hinder your game play significantly if your hand is already running low on cards, eventually impacting your ability to maintain card advantage over your opponent.

Specific Mana Cost: This card’s mana cost is quite particular, requiring not just a substantial amount of mana, but also specific colors to cast. This can pose a challenge for players running multicolored decks or those that lack the necessary mana fixing, thus restricting its versatility across different deck types.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: When it comes to resource investment, A-Speakeasy Server might not be the most economic choice. Its mana cost is on the higher side when compared to other options in the same slot, which could lead to inefficiencies in gameplay as players might be foregoing faster or more cost-effective spells in its favor.

Reasons to Include A-Speakeasy Server in Your Collection

Versatility: A-Speakeasy Server slips easily into various deck builds, providing utility in strategies that favor both sneaky plays and creature advantages.

Combo Potential: This card opens up opportunities for inventive combos by easily slotting itself into engines that require tapping or untapping of creatures.

Meta-Relevance: As the game environment shifts, A-Speakeasy Server’s ability to adapt and interact with prevalent deck types keeps it a relevant and potent choice for competitive players.

How to Beat

Understanding the nuances of A-Speakeasy Server can be the key to turning the tide of the game in your favor when facing this unique card in Magic: The Gathering. A-Speakeasy Server demands a strategic approach to dismantle its utility effectively. You’ll want to consider removal spells that can bypass the card’s protection mechanisms. Spot removal spells, especially those that don’t target, like board wipes or mass removal, can prove invaluable against A-Speakeasy Server.

Another strong strategy is employing versatile counterspells to prevent A-Speakeasy Server from hitting the battlefield in the first place. Counter magic serves as a preemptive measure, ensuring that you don’t have to deal with the card’s potential advantages during the game. Alternatively, applying pressure with a fast, aggressive deck can restrict your opponent’s ability to leverage A-Speakeasy Server’s benefits before they ever get a chance to use it to their advantage. By prioritizing a swift offense, you can force opponents to use resources defensively, reducing the impact A-Speakeasy Server could have had.

Ultimately, overcoming A-Speakeasy Server involves a mix of preemption, removal, and pressure. Carefully choosing the moment to nullify its effects or prevent its deployment altogether often leads to success against this card, preserving your momentum and keeping you in command of the match.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase A-Speakeasy Server MTG card by a specific set like Streets of New Capenna, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the A-Speakeasy Server and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where A-Speakeasy Server has restrictions
