Axgard Cavalry MTG Card

Axgard Cavalry offers the tactical edge of instant-like speed, powering up creatures for immediate attack. Demands red mana and a careful balance of resources, potentially limiting deck versatility. Remains meta-relevant, countering slow decks, and bested by instant removal or board wipes.
Card setsReleased in 2 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
TypeCreature — Dwarf Berserker
Power 2
Toughness 2

Text of card

: Target creature gains haste until end of turn.

Riding the goat —Dwarven expression meaning "a foolhardy act of bravery"

Cards like Axgard Cavalry

Axgard Cavalry stands as an intriguing creature in the realm of Magic: The Gathering’s red aggro decks. This card shares a thematic and functional kinship with cards like Goblin Motivator, both providing the valuable ability to grant haste to another creature. However, Axgard Cavalry offers this ability with the additional benefit of being a 2/2 creature itself, potentially providing a more considerable presence on the battlefield compared to Goblin Motivator’s modest 1/1 stats.

Looking at Fervent Champion, we see another comparison that fits well within the same aggressive archetype. Fervent Champion comes with haste inherently, enabling it to strike fast, much like the hastened creature Axgard Cavalry could accompany. Despite Fervent Champion’s first strike ability, the ability to share haste that Axgard Cavalry possesses can create dynamic plays by speeding up your attacking strategy. Another card that runs parallel in effect is Raging Goblin, a classic choice with haste, yet it falls behind in terms of power and the ability to affect other creatures on the board.

When evaluating Axgard Cavalry’s contribution to fast-paced strategies, it becomes clear that it has the potential to outshine similar cards by offering a good blend of board presence and tactical advantage, situating it as a viable pick for those crafting an aggressive MTG deck.

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Goblin Motivator - MTG Card versions
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Card Pros

Card Advantage: The Axgard Cavalry is a valuable addition for players looking to beef up their battlefield presence efficiently. Though it doesn’t directly draw you more cards, its synergy with creatures that have boast abilities can potentially provide an ongoing advantage. Each time you activate a boast ability, the provided boost by Axgard Cavalry can be considered a form of advantage as you’re getting more utility from your creatures each turn.

Resource Acceleration: Axgard Cavalry itself might not produce additional mana or treasures, but it does effectively hasten your gameplay by giving another creature haste until the end of the turn. This can accelerate your game plan by allowing newly summoned creatures to impact the board without delay, pressing an advantage or catching an opponent unprepared.

Instant Speed: While Axgard Cavalry operates at sorcery speed by being a creature, its ability to grant haste is akin to an instant-speed effect. By giving another creature haste the moment it comes onto the battlefield, you’re applying immediate pressure and can adapt to board states fluidly, simulating the flexibility often reserved for instant-speed interactions.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Axgard Cavalry’s discard requirement can pose a significant drawback during gameplay. Depleting your hand can leave you vulnerable to your opponent’s strategies, particularly if you’re casting this creature later in the game when card advantage is crucial.

Specific Mana Cost: Axgard Cavalry demands a red mana to play, which can restrict its integration in multi-colored or colorless mana-based decks. Players running decks without red mana sources will find this card incompatible with their strategy.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a casting cost that requires two mana, including one red, its abilities may not completely justify the expense, especially when considering other cards with similar or better effects that could be played at a lower cost.

Reasons to Include Axgard Cavalry in Your Collection

Versatility: Axgard Cavalry is a solid addition to decks that are looking for an aggressive early game presence. It’s especially useful in red-based strategies that emphasize speed and overwhelming opponents quickly.

Combo Potential: With its ability to grant haste to other creatures, this card can enable explosive plays, allowing freshly summoned creatures to attack without delay and synergizing with cards that benefit from attacking, such as those with “raid” abilities, for dynamic play opportunities.

Meta-Relevance: As the metagame fluctuates, having cards that can respond to slow-developing boards is crucial. Axgard Cavalry facilitates aggressive tactics that can punish slower, more controlling decks, maintaining relevance in various meta environments.

How to Beat Axgard Cavalry

In the realm of Magic: The Gathering, the card Axgard Cavalry holds its own as a formidable 2/2 creature for two mana. Its haste-enabling ability can catch opponents off-guard, quickly turning the tides by granting haste to another creature. Facing this swift threat, one effective strategy is to manage the board with removal spells. Employ instant-speed removal like Shock or Fatal Push to eliminate Axgard Cavalry before it can use its ability to grant haste, disrupting your opponent’s aggressive start.

Control decks that run sweepers such as Wrath of God or Doomskar also keep Axgard Cavalry in check. Playing one of these can reset the board and nullify the momentum built by your opponent. Another tactic is to block and trade with creatures that have equal or greater toughness. This not only removes Axgard Cavalry from the battlefield but also conserves your life total. If Axgard Cavalry has already given another creature haste, consider employing cards that can tap or freeze the hasted creature to prevent combat damage for that turn and set you up for a strategic counter-attack.

Ultimately, staying ahead of Axgard Cavalry involves anticipating the haste threat and having a clear response ready. Through careful play and timely removal, this card’s impact can be mitigated, keeping your chances of winning intact.

BurnMana Recommendations

Unlocking the full potential of Axgard Cavalry in your MTG deck can be a game-changer. As demonstrated, its ability to give haste creates instant pressure on opponents, lending an aggressive edge to your strategy. Whether you’re upping the ante in a red-based deck or seeking versatile cards that shake up the board, Axgard Cavalry can prove to be a valuable asset. It pushes your gameplay’s tempo, challenging your opponents to keep pace. Ready to infuse your deck with this dynamic creature and take your matches by storm? Explore further with us and turn your next duel into a decisive victory.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Axgard Cavalry MTG card by a specific set like Kaldheim and Jumpstart 2022, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Axgard Cavalry and other MTG cards:

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The Axgard Cavalry Magic the Gathering card was released in 2 different sets between 2021-02-05 and 2022-12-02. Illustrated by Evyn Fong.

12021-02-05KaldheimKHM 1212015NormalBlackEvyn Fong
22022-12-02Jumpstart 2022J22 4942015NormalBlackEvyn Fong


Magic the Gathering formats where Axgard Cavalry has restrictions
