Bookwurm MTG Card

Bookwurm excels in providing card advantage and seamlessly pairs with instant-speed deck manipulation. Its mana specificity and steep cost can be restrictive, potentially hindering its playability in diverse decks. Incorporating Bookwurm into your collection can enhance green-centric decks and offer sustained value.
Card setsReleased in 3 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost8
TypeCreature — Wurm
Abilities Trample
Power 7
Toughness 7

Text of card

Trample When Bookwurm enters the battlefield, you gain 3 life and draw a card. : Put Bookwurm from your graveyard into your library third from the top.

It takes "devouring a book in one sitting" to a frightening extreme.

Cards like Bookwurm

Bookwurm enters the pantheon of creature-based card advantage in Magic: The Gathering. It aligns closely with Pellaka Wurm, both sizable green creatures that draw a card upon entering the battlefield. Bookwurm steps up the game with its ability to gain life and the option to tuck it back into your library, granting prolonged value over multiple turns. Such utility makes it a considerable option for decks that aim to go the distance.

Conversely, we have Glimmering Kavu, another creature that offers card draw. Unlike Bookwurm, it requires a mana payment to activate this ability, lacking the automatic draw that Bookwurm presents. In a similar theme, Soul of the Harvest stands out for its continuous draw mechanic, potentially outpacing Bookwurm in decks that play numerous creatures. However, it comes without the immediate life-gain or self-recycling ability, showcasing a trade-off between consistency and repeatable benefits.

It is evident that within the realm of green creatures that facilitate card draw and offer additional perks, Bookwurm offers a unique blend of immediate impact and long-term value, distinguishing itself within its archetype in Magic: The Gathering.

Soul of the Harvest - MTG Card versions
Soul of the Harvest - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Bookwurm provides a notable bump in card advantage upon entering the battlefield, allowing you to delve into your library to reveal the top three cards and pick one to keep. This not only increases your hand options but can also strategically sculpt your future plays.

Resource Acceleration: With Bookwurm’s formidable presence, the beast offers an indirect route towards resource acceleration. Its ability to gain life can secure your defenses, helping you stabilize and giving you leeway to allocate your mana efficiently in subsequent turns without the immediate pressure to defend your life total.

Instant Speed: While Bookwurm itself is not an instant, it pairs well with instant-speed library manipulation or bounce spells. It is a valuable asset to have in hand when you’re at a junction where instant-speed responses from your deck are crucial. Should your Bookwurm be removed from the battlefield, responsive spells at instant speed can maximize its effect by bringing it back to your hand, ready to be recast for additional library digging.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Bookwurm’s ability to shuffle itself into the library and grant you three life comes at the price of discarding a card. This requirement can be particularly taxing when your hand is already depleted, forcing difficult decisions on which resources to sacrifice.

Specific Mana Cost: Summoning Bookwurm demands a rigorous blend of mana types, specifically green mana. This specificity can pose a challenge in multi-colored decks or those that are not centered around green mana production, potentially leading to delays or inability to play the card when needed.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With an eight mana value, Bookwurm’s cost is steep, making it a late-game card. In fast-paced games, it may be impractical as players might opt for lower-cost creatures or spells that provide immediate impact or maintain game tempo.

Reasons to Include Bookwurm in Your Collection

Versatility: The Bookwurm card provides exceptional adaptability due to its dual nature as both a creature and a source of life gain and card selection. This allows it to seamlessly integrate into various green-centric decks, especially those that aim to benefit from high-powered creatures and enhanced card utility.

Combo Potential: When Bookwurm enters the battlefield, it offers an immediate impact by potentially digging deeper into your deck, which can be crucial for assembling combo pieces or simply finding the right card at the right time. Its presence can also bolster strategies that revolve around large creatures or life gain synergies.

Meta-Relevance: In a meta where gaining incremental advantages is key, Bookwurm stands out by potentially swinging games in your favor through both its considerable size and its built-in card and life advantage. It’s a formidable play against a variety of opposing tactics, holding its ground in the face of control and outpacing aggro with its life gain.

How to Beat

Bookwurm is an intriguing creature card that poses a considerable challenge on the battlefield. It boasts a powerful combination of abilities, granting life gain and card advantage upon entering the battlefield. Unlike creatures with simpler abilities, Bookwurm requires a carefully crafted strategy to overcome it.

To triumph against this behemoth, consider options such as direct removal spells. A card like Path to Exile or Murderous Rider can be effective as they bypass Bookwurm’s substantial toughness. Alternately, counter spells like Counterspell or Negate can prevent Bookwurm from ever hitting the board. For those inclined towards enchantments, Pacifism or Frogify can neutralize Bookwurm without needing to remove it outright from play.

Remembering that Bookwurm can be a recurring threat due to its library-shuffling ability is crucial. Ensuring your deck has sufficient removal or control elements to deal with it on a consistent basis is key. By prioritizing its containment or removal, you preserve your life total and keep a clear path to victory undisturbed by the formidable presence of Bookwurm.

BurnMana Recommendations

MTG players know the thrill of discovering a card that aligns perfectly with their deck strategy. Bookwurm is one such gem, offering both a tactical advantage and an exhilarating presence on the battlefield. Its ability to sculpt future plays with card selection and its life gain for resource acceleration makes it a smart inclusion for anyone looking to enhance their green deck’s capabilities. Understanding its vulnerabilities is just as important to secure your win conditions. If Bookwurm has piqued your interest and you’re eager to delve deeper into its strategic uses and potential deck synergies, we’ve got the insights you need. Step up your game and optimize your collection with our in-depth analysis and expert tips on how to maximize the value of Bookwurm in your MTG battles.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Bookwurm MTG card by a specific set like Strixhaven: School of Mages and Strixhaven Art Series, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Bookwurm and other MTG cards:

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The Bookwurm Magic the Gathering card was released in 2 different sets between 2021-04-23 and 2021-04-23. Illustrated by Wayne Reynolds.

12021-04-23Strixhaven: School of MagesSTX 1232015NormalBlackWayne Reynolds
22021-04-23Strixhaven Art SeriesASTX 142015Art seriesBorderlessWayne Reynolds
32021-04-23Strixhaven Art SeriesASTX 14s2015Art seriesBorderlessWayne Reynolds


Magic the Gathering formats where Bookwurm has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Bookwurm card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2021-04-16 If Bookwurm is removed from your graveyard in response to its last ability, it won’t be put into your library.
2021-04-16 If you have zero or one card left in your library when Bookwurm’s last ability resolves, it is put on the bottom of your library.