Cleansing Ray MTG Card

Destroys vampires or enchantments, giving strategic control over the board state in various matchups. Low casting cost aids mana curve efficiency, fitting neatly into many game plans without disrupting tempo. This MTG card’s sideboard value is high in meta environments where enchantments and vampires are prevalent.
Cleansing Ray - Rivals of Ixalan
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
Set symbol
Set nameRivals of Ixalan
Set codeRIX
Illustred byAnthony Palumbo

Text of card

Choose one — • Destroy target Vampire. • Destroy target enchantment.

"The sun creates, sustains, and consumes so it can create again." —Caparocti Sunborn

Cards like Cleansing Ray

Cleansing Ray shines in its role within sideboard strategies against decks that heavily feature Vampires or Enchantments. It can be likened to Fragmentize, well known for its low-cost destruction of artifacts or enchantments with mana value four or less. Cleansing Ray offers a broader range though, able to target any enchantment regardless of mana value, which makes it more adaptable in times of need.

Another parallel can be drawn with Demystify, a card heralded for its ability to obliterate enchantments at a low cost. What sets Cleansing Ray apart is its additional flexibility to remove menacing Vampire creatures that could be dominating the battlefield. Sundering Light also enters the comparison as an instant with a wider net, capable of exiling enchantments or black creatures for a mere two mana. However, its specificity to black restricts it outside of mono-colored matchups.

While there might be situations where Fragmentize or Demystify would be the preferred choice, Cleansing Ray has the versatility to tackle two prominent types of permanents. Its capacity to function as a specific answer during matches makes it a valuable inclusion, blending destruction and adaptability against enchantments and creatures alike.

Fragmentize - MTG Card versions
Demystify - MTG Card versions
Fragmentize - MTG Card versions
Demystify - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Cleansing Ray delivers a dual benefit in a single card. This provides the advantage of potentially removing an opponent’s creature or enchantment, thus mitigating threats on the board and tipping the scales in your favor.

Resource Acceleration: Although Cleansing Ray does not directly accelerate resources, its low casting cost facilitates a quicker, more efficient mana curve, allowing players to maximize their mana usage while still keeping up with other critical plays in their strategy.

Instant Speed: As a sorcery, Cleansing Ray requires strategic planning for the most opportune moment for removal during your turn. This can pave the way for decisive plays, clearing blockers or enchantments that might otherwise impede your path to victory. While not at instant speed, its impact can still be substantial when timed correctly.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Cleansing Ray doesn’t necessitate discarding, but it’s vital to be aware of cards that possess this often burdensome requirement.

Specific Mana Cost: Cleansing Ray’s mana cost is restricted to white mana, which could limit deck-building options and mana flexibility.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: For its targeted removal effect, Cleansing Ray’s cost is on the higher end compared to other removal spells, potentially making it a less efficient choice in fast-paced games.

Reasons to Include Cleansing Ray in Your Collection

Versatility: Cleansing Ray shines in its dual functionality. Not only can it deal with problematic vampires, which can be a common archetype in some formats, but it also doubles as a tool to destroy enchantments, making it a useful sideboard card in a variety of decks.

Combo Potential: In decks that focus on light and dark themes, Cleansing Ray can be a thematic addition that works well with cards that care about creature types or enchantment removal. It can be a surprise ace up your sleeve when timed right, clearing the way for your own strategy to unfold.

Meta-Relevance: Since enchantments and vampires are a consistent part of the MTG landscape, having a card like Cleansing Ray in your arsenal keeps you prepared. As metas shift and decks featuring vampires or heavy enchantment use rise in popularity, Cleansing Ray can give you an edge, dismantling key pieces of your opponent’s game plan.

How to beat

Cleansing Ray shines in MTG as a sideboard solution for those moments when enchantments and vampires dominate the board. This white sorcery targets issues head-on, allowing players to select and dispatch a vampire or enchantment that poses a threat. But like any card, Cleansing Ray has its countermeasures. To shield your strategy against this, ensure that you diversify your threats beyond vampires and enchantments.

Consider including cards that grant hexproof to protect your key assets, such as Sheltering Light or Blossoming Defense, as they can effectively negate the targeting aspect of Cleansing Ray. Also, don’t overlook the strength of instant-speed responses. By including cards like Negate or Dispel in your deck, you can safeguard your critical vampires or enchantments when your opponent attempts to use Cleansing Ray against you.

It’s crucial to prepare for potential sideboard cards like Cleansing Ray in advance by planning a resilient deck. By doing so, you’ll maintain the upper hand, even when opponents come equipped with specific hate cards. This not only helps you to nullify their strategies but also secures your board presence and leads you towards victory.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Cleansing Ray MTG card by a specific set like Rivals of Ixalan, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Cleansing Ray and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Cleansing Ray has restrictions
