Cradle of Vitality MTG Card

Enhances creatures by converting life gain into +1/+1 counters, potentially outpacing opponents. Instant speed activation of Cradle of Vitality allows for flexible and tactical plays. Though potent, its efficacy is conditional on life gain and specific mana costs.
Card setsReleased in 3 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost4

Text of card

Whenever you gain life, you may pay . If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature for each 1 life you gained.

Naya's trees grow tall and sturdy. Their foliage intertwines to form dewcups, rainwater pools where the elves gather to celebrate life.

Cards like Cradle of Vitality

Cradle of Vitality shines as an enchantment that epitomizes life gain synergy in Magic: The Gathering. When comparing it to other cards with similar themes, Ajani’s Pridemate naturally comes to mind. While Ajani’s Pridemate grows itself by gaining counters with each instance of life gain, Cradle of Vitality has the distinct ability to distribute +1/+1 counters among creatures you control. This flexibility offers strategic depth across multiple creatures rather than bolstering a single one.

Another parallel can be drawn to Sunbond, which like Cradle of Vitality, employs life gain for growth. Sunbond, however, is restricted to a single creature and turns it into a potentially overwhelming threat. Cradle of Vitality differs in that it’s not bound to one creature and allows for a more diversified board presence. Then, there’s Archangel of Thune. Though a creature, it serves a similar role in amplifying your creatures’ power each time you gain life, but it functions autonomously without the need to pay additional mana.

In summary, while there are a number of cards that interact with life gain, Cradle of Vitality’s unique flexibility in distributing power across multiple creatures sets it apart, offering a dynamic approach to enhancing your creatures’ strengths on the battlefield.

Ajani's Pridemate - MTG Card versions
Sunbond - MTG Card versions
Archangel of Thune - MTG Card versions
Ajani's Pridemate - MTG Card versions
Sunbond - MTG Card versions
Archangel of Thune - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Cradle of Vitality by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Cradle of Vitality excels in extending your options and improving the longevity of your play. By turning health gains into permanent boosts on your creatures, this enchantment helps you to gradually outpace your opponent by giving you a stronger board presence.

Resource Acceleration: While this card does not directly add to your mana pool, it effectively acts as a form of resource acceleration by enhancing your creatures without the need to cast additional spells. This means the mana usually reserved for creature enhancements can be repurposed to expand your in-game strategy.

Instant Speed: Cradle of Vitality shines in its ability to interact at instant speed due to its triggered ability. The flexibility to allocate new +1/+1 counters during combat or in response to life gain allows for unexpected tactical adjustments, which can catch opponents off-guard and alter the course of the game dynamically.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Cradle of Vitality does not demand discarding cards, but it requires you to gain life to activate its ability, which can be conditional and not always guaranteed, especially in a fast-paced game or against decks that prevent life gain.

Specific Mana Cost: The activation of this card’s ability necessitates specific mana, white and generic, which might restrict its integration into multicolor decks that rely less on white mana or have a tight mana base.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a four mana investment (two generic and two white) just to get it on the battlefield, plus additional mana to use its ability, Cradle of Vitality can be quite mana-intensive compared to other cards that either cost less or have an immediate impact upon entering the battlefield.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Cradle of Vitality shines in its ability to adapt to a variety of deck builds, particularly those that focus on life gain or counter strategies. Its potential to boost creature strength provides a dynamic edge in numerous game scenarios.

Combo Potential: This card pairs exceptionally well with mechanics that offer life gain, turning even the smallest health increments into opportunities for growth and board dominance. It synergizes with cards that can exploit +1/+1 counters, offering layers of strategy to your gameplay.

Meta-Relevance: In an environment where prolonged games and incremental advantages are key, Cradle of Vitality asserts its value. Engaging with contemporary strategies, it can quickly become a cornerstone of life-centric decks seeking to outlast and overwhelm opponents through resilient creatures.

How to beat

Cradle of Vitality is a card that can become a formidable force in MTG, shining in decks focused on life gain. Its ability to turn any instance of life gain into a booster for your creatures makes it a potential cornerstone for decks that thrive on such synergies. To effectively counter Cradle of Vitality, disrupting your opponent’s life gain mechanics is key. This can mean including cards that can negate or limit life gain, using spot removal for the Cradle itself, or employing countermeasures against creatures that benefit from it.

Removal spells are your best friend in dealing with the Cradle of Vitality. Instant speed removal like Disenchant or Naturalize allow you to respond to the life gain trigger before your opponent can distribute the +1/+1 counters. Additionally, applying pressure and forcing your opponent to use their mana defensively can prevent them from capitalizing on the Cradle’s ability.

Managing a game against Cradle of Vitality requires a balance of aggression and disruption. Cards that cause players to lose life, such as Erebos, God of the Dead, can also undermine the life gain strategy, making it crucial to include such effects in your deck if you expect to encounter this potent card.

BurnMana Recommendations

If you’re keen to bolster your battlefield with enduring strength, Cradle of Vitality is a card to consider for your MTG collection. Its power to convert life gain into lasting advantages across numerous creatures makes for a robust addition, particularly in white-based decks that center around these mechanics. To fully harness this enchantment’s capabilities, including life gain sources and counter manipulation strategies will be critical. Understand how this card interacts with others, and the battlefield itself, to amplify your deck’s presence. For those ready to explore synergies and construct impactful strategies, let’s dive deeper into optimizing Cradle of Vitality’s potential in your MTG arsenal.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Cradle of Vitality MTG card by a specific set like Shards of Alara and Commander 2013, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Cradle of Vitality and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Cradle of Vitality Magic the Gathering card was released in 3 different sets between 2008-10-03 and 2020-07-17. Illustrated by Trevor Hairsine.

12008-10-03Shards of AlaraALA 72003NormalBlackTrevor Hairsine
22013-11-01Commander 2013C13 72003NormalBlackTrevor Hairsine
32020-07-17JumpstartJMP 982015NormalBlackTrevor Hairsine


Magic the Gathering formats where Cradle of Vitality has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Cradle of Vitality card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2008-10-01 Cradle of Vitality triggers just once for each life-gaining event, whether it’s 1 life from Deathgreeter or 8 life from Soul’s Grace. You pay the cost just once, but the targeted creature will get a number of counters equal to the amount of life you gained.
2008-10-01 You choose a target when the ability triggers. You don’t choose whether to pay until the ability resolves.
2014-02-01 If multiple creatures you control with lifelink deal damage simultaneously, each instance is a single life-gain event and the ability will trigger separately for each of them.