Deadeye Plunderers MTG Card

Generates card advantage and mana acceleration through Treasure token creation, influencing game dynamics favorably. Demands artifact presence and specific mana, which may limit deck-building flexibility and require careful strategy. Presents adaptability in multiple deck types, remaining a competitive choice with combo and meta relevance.
Deadeye Plunderers - Ixalan
Mana cost
Converted mana cost5
TypeCreature — Human Pirate
Abilities Treasure
Set symbol
Set nameIxalan
Set codeXLN
Power 3
Toughness 3
Illustred byGreg Opalinski

Text of card

Deadeye Plunderers gets +1/+1 for each artifact you control. : Create a colorless Treasure artifact token with ", Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool."

"Keep your friends close and your enemies within range."

Cards like Deadeye Plunderers

Deadeye Plunderers from Magic: The Gathering offers a dynamic presence on the battlefield for players, especially in strategies revolving around treasures and artifacts. This card has unique counterparts such as Etherium Sculptor, which also carries the artifact theme. Etherium Sculptor doesn’t ramp your mana, but it does make your artifacts cheaper, fostering a synergy that can be quite powerful.

Another noteworthy parallel is found in the form of Admiral Beckett Brass, a commander that enhances the potential of pirate-centric deck by allowing control over your opponents’ permanents. Though it does not directly amplify artifact strength, it expands a deck’s maneuverability and overall threat level. Conversely, Deadeye Plunderers grow stronger for each artifact you control, promising an upward scaling that can lead to a dominant board state.

In essence, while Deadeye Plunderers may not offer the cost reduction of Etherium Sculptor nor the board control of Admiral Beckett Brass, it stands out by empowering itself through artifact accumulation and generating essential artifact tokens to escalate its power. This makes Deadeye Plunderers a versatile choice for players aiming to leverage artifacts in their MTG decks.

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Admiral Beckett Brass - MTG Card versions
Etherium Sculptor - MTG Card versions
Admiral Beckett Brass - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Deadeye Plunderers by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Deadeye Plunderers provide a consistent source of card enrichment every time you activate their ability to create Treasure tokens. This translates into more tools at your disposal, resulting in potential superiority on the battlefield.

Resource Acceleration: With the ability to generate Treasure tokens, the Plunderers can significantly ramp up your mana availability. The flexibility offered in using these tokens for any color of mana can also enhance your deck’s performance, particularly in multicolored settings.

Instant Speed: Though the Plunderers themselves are not an instant-speed threat, they encourage an instant-speed strategy indirectly. The treasures produced can be amassed and utilized on demand, which in turn can support swift and unexpected plays, keeping your opponents always guessing and on their toes.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Deadeye Plunderers’ ability to generate treasure tokens is compelling, but it’s important to remember that utilizing this feature comes with a cost. The card’s reliance on other artifacts being in play to elevate its power and toughness means without a consistent flow of artifacts, its effectiveness dwindles. Players may find themselves bereft of other essential resources as they scramble to maintain artifacts on the battlefield to bolster the Plunderers.

Specific Mana Cost: Crafting a deck that accommodates the specific mana cost of Deadeye Plunderers can be a bit of a balancing act. The requirement of blue, black, and generic mana means it needs a mana base tailored to support it, which could limit deck-building options, particularly for those who prefer mono-color or dual-color decks. This cost structure calls for a careful approach to ensure the mana pool remains diverse and accessible when you need it most.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a casting cost of five mana, Deadeye Plunderers sit at a higher end of the curve, particularly for creature-focused strategies. Ensuring that you reach the adequate mana to bring them into play requires patience and potentially opens the door to adversaries taking the upper hand while you’re still laying down your resources. In the quick-paced environment of certain MTG formats, this may feel like a slow startup.

Reasons to Include Deadeye Plunderers in Your Collection

Versatility: Deadeye Plunderers is a dynamic card capable of adapting to various deck builds. Its ability to create a treasure token strengthens decks that capitalize on ramping, artifact synergies, or incremental advantage.

Combo Potential: With the right mix of cards, Deadeye Plunderers can become a focal point in powerful combos. Its growing power for each artifact you control makes it a formidable threat in artifact-heavy decks.

Meta-Relevance: As the competitive scene evolves, Deadeye Plunderers remains a relevant choice. Its scalable threat level and artifact generation can be particularly effective against control decks that struggle to handle multiple angles of pressure.

How to beat

Deadeye Plunderers hold a versatile position within the world of MTG. This creature benefits greatly from artifacts, with its power and toughness growing with each one you control. It also has the innate ability to create Treasure tokens, which can be a continuous source of artifacts and thus power. This dual nature makes it imperative to disrupt its synergy with artifacts to weaken its impact on the board.

One effective strategy is to limit the number of artifacts in play. Cards that can destroy or exile artifacts will directly hamper the Plunderers’ strength. Countering the Plunderers themselves is a straightforward approach; keeping counter spells handy can ensure they never hit the battlefield. If they do manage to land, enchantments like Darksteel Mutation can render them harmless by losing all abilities and becoming a token creature of negligible threat. Additionally, since Treasure tokens fuel their power, targeting the tokens with spells that destroy multiple artifacts can curtail their source of strength dramatically.

Addressing Deadeye Plunderers judiciously by managing artifacts and employing disruption tactics can swing the game back in your favor. Using these strategies allows players to efficiently suppress the potential threat posed by Deadeye Plunderers, maintaining control over the gameplay.

BurnMana Recommendations

The art of mastering MTG is like a treasure hunt, with Deadeye Plunderers being a gem in a pirate’s cache. As seen, the pluses and minuses of this unique artifact-centric creature carve out its spot in the multiverse of strategy. Whether it’s bolstering your mana resources, ramping up your deck’s power, or simply enjoying the adaptable combos, the Deadeye Plunderers can amplify the way you play. Eager to learn more about shaping your deck with this versatile card, countering competitive threats, or finding those perfect card synergies? Dive deeper with us and discover how you can enhance your MTG journey today.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Deadeye Plunderers MTG card by a specific set like Ixalan, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Deadeye Plunderers and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Deadeye Plunderers has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Deadeye Plunderers card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2017-09-29 Because damage remains marked on a creature until it’s removed as the turn ends, the damage Deadeye Plunderers takes during combat may become lethal if artifacts you control leave the battlefield later in the turn.