Eldritch Moon Checklist MTG Card

Checklist cards amplify strategic play, offering a transparent view of potential game-changing transformed creatures. They streamline gameplay by eliminating clunky double-faced card handling, thus providing a subtle but strategic edge. While they don’t affect the game directly, their ability to conceal transformation plans is invaluable in competition.
Eldritch Moon Checklist - Eldritch Moon
Set symbol
Set nameEldritch Moon
Set codeEMN
Illustred by

Text of card

(You can mark this card to represent a meld or double-faced card in your library or hand.) ☐ Bruna, the Fading Light ☐ Extricator of Sin ☐ Gisela, the Broken Blade ☐ Lone Rider ☐ Curious Homunculus ☐ Docent of Perfection ☐ Grizzled Angler ☐ Graf Rats ☐ Midnight Scavengers ☐ Voldaren Pariah ☐ Conduit of Storms ☐ Hanweir Garrison ☐ Smoldering Werewolf ☐ Vildin-Pack Outcast ☐ Kessig Prowler ☐ Shrill Howler ☐ Tangleclaw Werewolf ☐ Ulvenwald Captive ☐ Ulrich of the Krallenhorde ☐ Cryptolith Fragment ☐ Hanweir Battlements

Cards like Eldritch Moon Checklist

The Eldritch Moon Checklist card plays a unique role in Magic: The Gathering decks. Like its counterparts from other sets, such as the Shadows Over Innistrad Checklist Card, it enables players to track double-faced cards in their decks without revealing them to opponents. The Eldritch Moon Checklist card is essential when using transformative cards like “Liliana, the Last Hope” or “Tamiyo, Field Researcher,” as these powerful planeswalkers require secrecy to maintain strategic advantage.

However, unlike regular cards that influence gameplay directly, Eldritch Moon Checklist and similar checklist cards are solely for organization and adherence to game rules. They stand in contrast to utility cards like “Pithing Needle” or manipulation spells like “Thoughtseize,” which actively disrupt opponents’ plans. Checklist cards serve a facilitation role, allowing players to smoothly execute their decks’ transformational aspects without hindrance.

In essence, the Eldritch Moon Checklist card doesn’t compete with other cards on a power level but is crucial in ensuring the seamless play of some of MTG’s most intriguing double-faced cards. By allowing players to keep their strategies concealed, it secures its valuable place within the card librarianship of Magic: The Gathering.

Liliana, the Last Hope - MTG Card versions
Tamiyo, Field Researcher - MTG Card versions
Pithing Needle - MTG Card versions
Thoughtseize - MTG Card versions
Liliana, the Last Hope - MTG Card versions
Tamiyo, Field Researcher - MTG Card versions
Pithing Needle - MTG Card versions
Thoughtseize - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: The Eldritch Moon Checklist plays a pivotal role in tracking your cards, ensuring that you can access your transformed creatures without shuffling through your whole deck. This methodical tracking increases your ability to make strategic plays with the information of what’s left in your deck, providing an indirect—yet considerable—card advantage.

Resource Acceleration: Using the Checklist card streamlines gameplay by avoiding the need to have multiple opaque sleeves or other cumbersome methods for double-faced cards. This small, but significant time-saver can accelerate your pace of play, allowing for quicker decision-making and the ability to focus resources on game-changing moves.

Instant Speed: While not a card played at instant speed, the very nature of the Checklist card provides a seamless experience akin to having your transformed cards readily available ‘at instant speed.’ This eliminates any game delays when revealing your transformed creature, ensuring the flow of play remains consistent and unimpeded.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: When venturing into the realm of Eldritch Moon, some cards may dictate that you toss another card from your hand. This demand can pose quite the predicament during the crunch times of play when every card in your grip counts towards your strategy.

Specific Mana Cost: Pulling off spells and abilities from this expansion often hinges on a precise blend of mana. Decks not fine-tuned to these requirements might grapple to fit these cards in, limiting their versatility across various deck builds.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Cards from this set may pack a hefty mana toll, specifically ones that are steeped in powerful abilities. This makes them a double-edged sword—a late-game play that’s potentially game-changing or a cumbersome card that clogs your hand early on when resources are sparse.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Eldritch Moon checklist cards are designed to track double-faced cards, making them essential for players who enjoy transforming their gameplay with these dynamic and flavorful cards in various deck types.

Combo Potential: The checklist serves as a functional proxy for double-faced cards in your deck, allowing for smoother gameplay while highlighting the potential to combine with mechanics like delirium or emerge that hinge on specific card types.

Meta-Relevance: With an ever-shifting MTG landscape, keeping a checklist card on hand is practical for ensuring your deck is current and adaptable to new metagames where double-faced cards can play a critical role.

How to beat

Eldritch Moon Checklist cards in MTG are unique because they are used to represent double-faced cards while keeping the mystery of the transformation hidden from your opponent. To outplay an opponent’s checklist card, it’s key to identify the potential threats that the card could morph into. Since the checklist card could be any double-faced card from Eldritch Moon, anticipate powerful transformations and plan your strategy accordingly.

Leverage targeted removal or discard effects to force your opponent to reveal their hand, thereby giving you information about what double-faced cards they might possess. Artifact destruction can be potent if your opponent is relying on clues or other artifacts for a strategic advantage. Always stay a step ahead by keeping your mana open, especially if you have instants that can disrupt your opponent’s plays or counter their spells before they transform their checklist card into a more formidable threat.

Ultimately, it’s about control, prediction, and timing. By keeping control of the board state and smartly anticipating your opponent’s plays, you can nullify the element of surprise that checklist cards represent and maintain the upper hand throughout your MTG matches.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Eldritch Moon Checklist MTG card by a specific set like Eldritch Moon, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Eldritch Moon Checklist and other MTG cards:

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