Footsteps of the Goryo MTG Card

Provides a substantial edge through resurrecting key creatures, impacting card economy on the battlefield effectively. Enables early threats by evading standard mana curve limitations, accelerating strategic gameplay significantly. Though constrained by speed, casting at just the right moment can integrate seamlessly into an overarching strategy.
Footsteps of the Goryo - Saviors of Kamigawa
Mana cost
Converted mana cost3
TypeSorcery — Arcane
Set symbol
Set nameSaviors of Kamigawa
Set codeSOK
Illustred byChippy

Text of card

Return target creature card from your graveyard to play. Sacrifice that creature at end of turn.

In the case of violent deaths, kami offered a chance for revenge if the deceased offered up its corpse as a host to the invading kami.

Cards like Footsteps of the Goryo

Footsteps of the Goryo is a unique reanimation spell within the MTG universe. Stepping into the shadowy territories of card utility, this spell can be likened to other resurrection effects like Exhume. Both cards provoke a revival of creatures from the graveyard to the battlefield, but Footsteps of the Goryo comes with a sacrifice effect at the next end step which Exhume does not require, offering a temporary boon rather than a lasting advantage.

Goryo’s Vengeance is another noteworthy peer within this card segment. It similarly brings back a creature just for a turn. However, it only targets legendary creatures and offers an instant-speed play, unlike Footsteps of the Goryo’s sorcery speed. Despite this, Footsteps of the Goryo doesn’t restrict its dark embrace to the legendary and can reanimate any creature type.

Comparing these options shows just how valuable Footsteps of the Goryo can be in the right deck. It allows for impactful, albeit fleeting, plays that can provide a significant edge in a game. Its ability to harness the power of nearly any creature, if only for a moment, makes it a noteworthy choice for spells that pivot on the edge of life and death in MTG.

Exhume - MTG Card versions
Goryo's Vengeance - MTG Card versions
Exhume - MTG Card versions
Goryo's Vengeance - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Footsteps of the Goryo by color, type and mana cost

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Decks using this card

MTG decks using Footsteps of the Goryo. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.

Esper ReanimatorEsper Reanimator ModernGoryo's VengeanceMTG SEA Championship Final Season 2 Round 2
Goryo's BlinkGoryo's Blink ModernGoryo's Vengeance22Champions Cup Final Season 2 Round 2
Goryo's VengeanceGoryo's Vengeance ModernGoryo's VengeanceModern Challenge 64 2024-01-21

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Footsteps of the Goryo holds the potential to sway the tide of a matchup by reviving a powerful creature from the graveyard. This powerful resurgence can lead to crucial card interactions and unexpected plays that may outmaneuver your opponent, granting you a significant advantage in terms of card economy on the battlefield.

Resource Acceleration: By spending just three mana to bring back a high-cost creature, you economize your resources efficiently. This potent spell allows you to bypass the traditional mana curve constraints and rapidly deploy formidable threats much earlier than normally possible, accelerating your game plan dramatically.

Instant Speed: Though operating at sorcery speed, the strategic timing of this card’s activation after your draw step can be instrumental. With careful planning, deploying a reclaimed creature can be synchronized adeptly with your overall strategy, ensuring that you are constantly initiating actions rather than simply reacting to opponents.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: A key drawback of Footsteps of the Goryo is that you need to discard a card as part of its reanimation process. This condition makes the card a potentially costly play, particularly when your hand is running low on cards and every resource counts.

Specific Mana Cost: The spell requires black mana to cast. While this aligns it with the thematic and mechanical aspects of black’s slice of the color pie, it also means that it might not smoothly fit into multi-colored decks, especially those that are mana-intensive in other colors.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: For a sorcery that brings a creature back from the graveyard to the battlefield only to sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step, the cost of three mana, including two generic and one black, might feel steep. In a game where tempo matters, there may be more mana-efficient reanimation alternatives available that offer permanence or additional benefits.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Footsteps of the Goryo offers a unique opportunity for decks that focus on graveyard interactions, allowing the temporary return of powerful creatures at a low mana cost.

Combo Potential: This card acts as a catalyst in reanimation strategies, pairing exceptionally well with cards that have potent enter-the-battlefield or leave-the-battlefield effects.

Meta-Relevance: In formats where graveyard play is prevalent, Footsteps of the Goryo can offer a tactical advantage, countering exile strategies or swiftly swinging the game’s momentum in your favor with a well-timed creature revival.

How to Beat Footsteps of the Goryo

Footsteps of the Goryo is a nuanced card in the Magic: The Gathering arsenal, granting players a brief but potent window to harness the power of a creature in their graveyard. Unlike other reanimation spells, Footsteps of the Goryo offers a brief return, bringing a creature back only until the end of turn before it’s sacrificed. This creates opportunities for explosive plays and unexpected comebacks.

Navigating around this spell requires strategic finesse. Graveyard hate cards such as Leyline of the Void disrupt the very mechanics Footsteps of the Goryo relies on. By exiling cards that would go to the graveyard, it hinders an opponent’s capacity to formulate a strategy around this comeback spell. Similarly, instant-speed removal spells can eliminate the resurrected creature before the opponent benefits from its effect, essentially nullifying the potency of their strategy.

To effectively counter Footsteps of the Goryo, players should maintain control over the state of the battlefield and the graveyard, closely tracking opportunities to disrupt the synergy it aims to leverage. With a calculated approach, what appears to be a formidable moment for an opponent can be seamlessly diffused, keeping the upper hand within reach.

BurnMana Recommendations

MTG enthusiasts understand that every card has its role, its strengths, and its place within the larger game context. Footsteps of the Goryo exemplifies this intricate dance of resources, strategy, and timing. By leveraging this card’s unique reanimation potential, adept players can forge a path to victory using the creatures from beyond the grave. Whether you’re looking to shake up your gameplay with a surprise power play or integrate some exceptional combo maneuvers into your deck, our discussion opens doors to newfound tactics and card interactions. Curious about optimizing your graveyard strategies or enhancing your collection with versatile, impactful cards? Dive deeper with us and discover how Footsteps of the Goryo could mark the next pivotal step in your MTG journey.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Footsteps of the Goryo MTG card by a specific set like Saviors of Kamigawa, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Footsteps of the Goryo and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Footsteps of the Goryo has restrictions
