Foraging Squirrels // Foraging Squirrels (cont'd) MTG Card

Foraging Squirrels boosts card advantage, turning creature consumption into valuable strategic gains. The card’s ability accelerates resources, rewarding players with food tokens for in-game leverage. Despite its prowess, Foraging Squirrels’ discard requirement can become a drawback in extended plays.
Foraging Squirrels // Foraging Squirrels (cont'd) - Modern Horizons 2 Minigames
Set symbol
Set nameModern Horizons 2 Minigames
Set codeMMH2
LayoutDouble Faced Token
Illustred by

Text of card

it stops moving when it reaches the edge of the grid or if the next card in that direction doesn't match your chosen color. It replaces the last card collected, leaving empty spaces where any previously collected cards were. Then play passes to the next player. After the first player takes their first turn, each other player can *dig* once per game, moving a card to an empty space before or after moving the art card on their turn. TO WIN: Play continues until no cards remain in any horizontal or vertical direction from the art card. Players score 1 point per card they've collected, plus 1 bonus point for each of the following achievements: • Most foils • Most rares and mythics • Most unique colors (including colorless) • Most cards with squirrels in the art If players tie for a category, they each receive a bonus point. The squirrel with the most food—that is, the player with the most points—wins!

Cards like Foraging Squirrels // Foraging Squirrels (cont'd)

In Magic: The Gathering, Foraging Squirrels finds its niche among cards that synergize with creating creature tokens. Deranged Hermit, a classic in creature token generation, is a natural comparative point to Foraging Squirrels. It not only produces squirrel tokens but also buffs them, whereas Foraging Squirrels is more simplified in its token creation method. Deranged Hermit brings more to the battlefield but at a greater mana cost.

Moreover, Chatter of the Squirrel offers another parallel, allowing players to create squirrel tokens at a low cost, and it has flashback, thereby presenting potential for additional squirrels later in the game. Foraging Squirrels lacks the recursive ability but compensates with the likelihood of creating multiple tokens through regular combat damage.

Deep Forest Hermit is yet another relative to Foraging Squirrels, generating a forest of squirrel tokens upon entering the battlefield along with temporary anthems for the small creatures. The permanence of Foraging Squirrels’ tokens without the boosting effect presents a different strategy approach, highlighting the diversity among MTG’s squirrel-themed cards.

Evaluating each card’s pros and cons among these squirrel-centric options, Foraging Squirrels appeals to players who value consistent token production over singular impactful turns.

Deranged Hermit - MTG Card versions
Chatter of the Squirrel - MTG Card versions
Deep Forest Hermit - MTG Card versions
Deranged Hermit - MTG Card versions
Chatter of the Squirrel - MTG Card versions
Deep Forest Hermit - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Foraging Squirrels offers substantial card advantage by consistently increasing your hand size when tasked with creature consumption. This delightful synergy feeds into your strategic reservoir, providing a steady stream of resources and options throughout the match.

Resource Acceleration: The card’s unique ability to generate a food token upon each successful foraging invested in a creature creates a platform for resource acceleration. These tokens can be cashed in for life gain or used with other cards to fuel further in-game advantages, bolstering your position on the battlefield.

Instant Speed: While Foraging Squirrels operates at sorcery speed, its design to capitalize on creature deaths, which can occur at instant speed during gameplay, allows for unexpected turns of fortune. This enhances your tactical flexibility as Foraging Squirrels can effectively respond to and benefit from instant-speed interactions, making it a reliable source of advantage even when it’s not your turn.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Foraging Squirrels necessitates the discarding of a card to activate its ability. This could deplete your hand, leaving you at a disadvantage, especially if the game draws out or if you’re up against strategies that punish low card counts.

Specific Mana Cost: This card’s activation hinges on green mana. Decks that don’t run heavily on green might find it challenging to consistently make use of Foraging Squirrels’ capabilities, thereby limiting its versatility across various deck types.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With its ability cost included, Foraging Squirrels might seem inefficient compared to other creatures in the same mana range. Players could potentially find other creatures or spells that provide greater value or impact on the game board without the need for an additional discard.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Foraging Squirrels shines in a variety of deck builds, providing consistent creature token generation which is invaluable for strategies leveraging creature-based synergies and board presence.

Combo Potential: This card pairs seamlessly with mechanics that benefit from creature tokens, such as convoke or sacrifice effects, opening up numerous combo routes and complementing a multitude of deck themes.

Meta-Relevance: Given the ever-present role of creature tokens in the current meta, including Foraging Squirrels in your deck equips you with a reliable engine for token production that’s pivotal in numerous match-ups.

How to beat Foraging Squirrels

Foraging Squirrels may seem like a small and meek card on the surface, but given the right conditions, they can overrun the battlefield in Magic: The Gathering. These creatures, often underestimated for their modest stats, can quickly spiral out of control if not managed properly. They thrive in decks designed around token generation and effects that capitalize on multiple creatures entering the battlefield.

To effectively counter Foraging Squirrels, it’s essential to keep your opponent’s board clear of multiple creatures that could potentiate their presence. Board sweepers like Wrath of God or Blasphemous Act can reset the playing field before the squirrels start hoarding card advantage. Spot removal like Fatal Push or Path to Exile can also disrupt your opponent’s squirrel synergies before they take root.

Another strategy is to outpace the Foraging Squirrels with faster aggro decks that can apply pressure early on, preventing your opponent from setting up their squirrel tokens. Cards that offer control elements, such as Counterspell or Thoughtseize, can preemptively deal with threats or remove key pieces from your opponent’s strategy. By staying one step ahead, you can ensure these fuzzy gatherers don’t store up wins against you.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Foraging Squirrels // Foraging Squirrels (cont'd) MTG card by a specific set like Modern Horizons 2 Minigames, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Foraging Squirrels // Foraging Squirrels (cont'd) and other MTG cards:

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