Giltgrove Stalker MTG Card

Giltgrove Stalker offers consistent damage potential in creature-focused decks, subtly strengthening board presence. Its synergy with instant-speed spells and creature-heavy strategies can indirectly accelerate resource development. While potentially unblockable, Giltgrove Stalker’s impact must be weighed against its specific mana needs and other two-drops.
Giltgrove Stalker - Rivals of Ixalan
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
TypeCreature — Merfolk Warrior
Set symbol
Set nameRivals of Ixalan
Set codeRIX
Power 2
Toughness 1
Illustred byChris Seaman

Text of card

Giltgrove Stalker can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less.

"The only gold I need is the sheltering shimmer of the trees."

Cards like Giltgrove Stalker

In the realm of Magic: The Gathering, Giltgrove Stalker is a stealthy addition to the arsenal of green creatures with the ability to be unblockable. This characteristic mimics the utility of cards like Silhana Ledgewalker, which also can’t be blocked except by creatures with flying. Giltgrove Stalker, however, has the requirement of the opponent controlling more lands to be unblockable, unlike the inherently evasive Ledgewalker.

Other cards that share a kinship with this surveilling being include Wily Bandar, offering similar mana value with built-in protection mechanics. The Bandar requires an activation cost to gain indestructibility, while the Stalker maintains a passive sneaky edge. There’s also the comparison with the likes of Llanowar Scout, which, though not elusive on the battlefield, delivers distinct advantages with land control to bolster your mana base.

Comparing these cards, we see Giltgrove Stalker finds its niche through its evasion tactic, offering a reliable way to chip in damage against opponents with more expansive domains. It effortlessly finds a place among creatures adept in slipping past defenses, highlighting its merit in MTG green-based aggressive or evasive strategies.

Silhana Ledgewalker - MTG Card versions
Wily Bandar - MTG Card versions
Llanowar Scout - MTG Card versions
Silhana Ledgewalker - MTG Card versions
Wily Bandar - MTG Card versions
Llanowar Scout - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: The Giltgrove Stalker may not seem like a conventional source of card advantage, but in green decks, which often focus on creature-based strategies, maintaining a board presence serves that very principle. Having a difficult-to-block creature can mean consistent pressure and damage, an advantage over time that can translate into drawing more utility from your deck.

Resource Acceleration: While the Giltgrove Stalker itself doesn’t accelerate your resources directly, it serves a crucial role in decks that benefit from having numerous creatures on the battlefield. This can lead to accelerated resource development indirectly, especially when combined with cards that turn creature presence into additional land drops or mana production.

Instant Speed: Although the Giltgrove Stalker is a creature and not an instant, it synergizes well with instant-speed spells. Its evasion ability allows it to stay untapped to attack, freeing up your mana to interact with the board at instant speed during your opponent’s turn. This means you can play out your creatures and still hold up mana for responses, balancing both board development and reactive capabilities.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: While Giltgrove Stalker doesn’t directly ask players to discard cards as part of its ability or casting cost, this creature often finds its way into decks where card advantage is vital. In such environments, having to play a low-impact card like Giltgrove Stalker may lead to a situation where you’re effectively down a card, reducing your hand’s potential to respond to opponents’ moves or to develop your own board.

Specific Mana Cost: Giltgrove Stalker calls for a specific combination of mana types to be cast, demanding both green and a colorless mana. This can sometimes be restrictive for players who are not running a dedicated green or green-heavy multicolor deck, potentially stranding the Stalker in hand without the appropriate resources available to play it.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: When considering the tempo of the game, Giltgrove Stalker’s two mana cost might appear reasonable at first glance. However, for a 2/1 creature, it’s arguable that the mana could be better spent on more impactful creatures or spells that either offer better stats, additional abilities, or greater utility. The marginal benefit of its potential unblockable condition may not always justify its slot in a deck, particularly when compared to other two-drop creatures available in the same format.

Reasons to Include Giltgrove Stalker in Your Collection

Versatility: Giltgrove Stalker can seamlessly integrate into decks that capitalize on aggressive tactics. Its inherent evasion allows it to be a consistent damage-dealer, even in crowded board states.

Combo Potential: With the right mix of cards that buff or utilize creatures, this stalker can be part of lethal combinations. Its ability to remain unblockable under certain conditions makes it a prime candidate for combos with cards that benefit from direct player attacks.

Meta-Relevance: Given its low mana cost and evasive capabilities, Giltgrove Stalker can be particularly effective in a meta dominated by ground-based creatures. It’s a sensible choice for players looking to outmaneuver opponents in creature-heavy match-ups.

How to beat Giltgrove Stalker

Giltgrove Stalker may not make the headlines when it comes to Magic: The Gathering’s most formidable creatures, but its subtle strength lies in its ability to be unblockable as long as you control another Merfolk or a Forest. To navigate this threat, the key is to disrupt this condition either by removing Giltgrove Stalker’s supporting elements or by deploying removal spells that don’t require blocking such as Fatal Push or Lightning Bolt.

Moreover, enhancing your control of the board with enchantments like Ghostly Prison can deter attacks by making them cost-prohibitive. Other strategies include utilizing cards with reach or flying to pressure your opponent’s life total, forcing them to hold back their stalker for defense. Sweeper spells like Wrath of God can reset the board and remove the stalker regardless of its unblockable status. Lastly, keeping the battlefield clear of other Merfolk and Forests will naturally neutralize the elusive nature of Giltgrove Stalker, allowing for a more straightforward path to victory.

By understanding the conditions that make Giltgrove Stalker a challenge and strategically planning to counter them, players can effectively mitigate the risks posed by this sneaky Merfolk and maintain dominance in the game.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Giltgrove Stalker MTG card by a specific set like Rivals of Ixalan, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Giltgrove Stalker and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Giltgrove Stalker has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Giltgrove Stalker card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2018-01-19 Once a creature with power 3 or greater has blocked this creature, changing the power of the blocking creature won’t cause this creature to become unblocked.