Hindering Light MTG Card

Counters targeted spells and enables card draw, maintaining resource advantage against opponents. Instant speed allows for strategic gameplay and flexibility in countering opponent moves. Specific mana cost requires deck adaptability, potentially limiting its versatility across various builds.
Card setsReleased in 2 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2

Text of card

Counter target spell that targets you or a permanent you control. Draw a card.

Centuries of careful practice have elevated the casting of protective spells to an art form. What little offensive magic remains on Bant stands little chance of breaching them.

Cards like Hindering Light

Hindering Light is a unique counter and draw card option for Magic the Gathering players. Notably, it shares similarities with cards like Counterspell, an iconic piece of MTG history known for its ability to stop almost any spell at an efficient cost. While Counterspell doesn’t draw a card, Hindering Light compensates for its specificity by rewarding the player with card draw.

Comparably, Dovin’s Veto is another card that fully counters a noncreature spell. However, unlike Hindering Light, it doesn’t require the spell to target you or a permanent you control, and it doesn’t provide the card draw benefit. Absorb is yet another relevant spell, with the added advantage of gaining three life on top of countering a spell but, similar to Dovin’s Veto, lacks the ability to draw a card.

All factors considered, Hindering Light holds its ground among its counterparts by combining targeted countering capabilities with card advantage, which is paramount for maintaining momentum in a game of Magic: The Gathering, especially in decks that focus on protection and steady resource flow.

Counterspell - MTG Card versions
Dovin's Veto - MTG Card versions
Absorb - MTG Card versions
Counterspell - MTG Card versions
Dovin's Veto - MTG Card versions
Absorb - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Hindering Light by color, type and mana cost

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Feeling of Dread - MTG Card versions
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Azorius Charm - MTG Card versions
Dovin's Veto - MTG Card versions
Faithful Mending - MTG Card versions
Disorder in the Court - MTG Card versions
Brokers' Safeguard - MTG Card versions
Protect the Negotiators - MTG Card versions
Argivian Welcome - MTG Card versions
Permission Denied - MTG Card versions
Officious Interrogation - MTG Card versions
No More Lies - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Hindering Light not only counters an opponent’s spell that targets you or a permanent you control, but it also allows you to draw a card. This exchange maintains your hand size while disrupting an opponent’s plans, effectively keeping you ahead in the resource game.

Resource Acceleration: Although Hindering Light itself doesn’t accelerate your resources in the form of mana or tokens, it does protect your critical assets. By saving a vital permanent or even your own game state from targeted disruption, you’re ensuring your resources remain on the battlefield ready to be utilized for future turns.

Instant Speed: The fact that Hindering Light can be played at instant speed adds a layer of versatility. You can wait until the last possible moment to decide whether to use it, potentially baiting out more significant spells from your opponent or holding up mana for other instant-speed interactions during their turn.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Hindering Light doesn’t require discarding as a cost, but it does necessitate having the card in hand to use it reactively, which can be a disadvantage when you’re low on hand resources.

Specific Mana Cost: It demands an exact combination of white and blue mana, restricting its deployment to decks that can reliably generate both types of mana.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: While not overly expensive, the two-mana investment for this card’s effect could be considered high when you need to keep mana open for other responses or threats in the game.

Reasons to Include Hindering Light in Your Collection

Versatility: Hindering Light is a multifaceted card that can be slotted into various deck builds, particularly those that need protection for key spells or permanents. Its ability to counter spells that target you or a permanent you control, paired with its card drawing effect, makes it a valuable inclusion in both proactive and reactive strategies.

Combo Potential: This spell can be a crucial part of combos that rely on card advantage or spell recursion. It safeguards important combo pieces while cycling itself, thus contributing to maintaining hand size. Deck architects often exploit this by combining it with cards that benefit from spells being cast or that recycle spells from the graveyard.

Meta-Relevance: In environments where targeted removal or counter wars are common, Hindering Light offers both a shield against disruption and an opportunity to draw into more threats or answers. This counterplay ability ensures its relevance in a dynamic competitive scene, allowing players to anticipate and outmaneuver opponents’ strategies.

How to beat

Hindering Light is an intriguing card that offers players in Magic: The Gathering a way to protect their strategies and assets. This card is unique because it not only counters targeted spells that would disrupt your cards in play but also allows you to draw a card, hence adding to your hand while maintaining your board presence. Despite its usefulness, several methods can effectively circumvent Hindering Light’s capabilities.

One strategy is to rely on cards that affect multiple targets or the entire board, as Hindering Light can only nullify spells or abilities that target a single creature or enchantment you control. Mass removal spells such as Supreme Verdict or Wrath of God can thus be crucial, bypassing Hindering Light’s protective measures. Alternatively, utilizing spells with hexproof or shroud properties can prevent Hindering Light from being cast, as these spells cannot be targeted. Moreover, anticipating the mana that your opponent reserves for such countering tactics, and baiting it out with lesser threats, can clear the way for more significant plays. By understanding the limitations and optimal moments for this card, you can tailor your approach to overcome an opponent’s Hindering Light with tactical precision.

BurnMana Recommendations

Understanding the nuances of Hindering Light can be a game changer in Magic the Gathering. This card offers a strategic edge, providing both protection and card advantage that can shift the momentum of a match. Its instant speed and versatile nature make it a formidable tool for those who navigate the tension of countering enemy spells. If you’re ready to enhance your MTG deck with resourceful tactics and refine your gameplay, dive deeper with us. Learn to leverage Hindering Light’s strengths and discover how to best integrate this card into your strategic arsenal for a more robust and resilient deck.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Hindering Light MTG card by a specific set like Shards of Alara and Breaking News, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Hindering Light and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Hindering Light Magic the Gathering card was released in 2 different sets between 2008-10-03 and 2024-04-19. Illustrated by 2 different artists.

12008-10-03Shards of AlaraALA 1732003NormalBlackChris Rahn
22024-04-19Breaking NewsOTP 462015NormalBorderlessMagnus Jansson


Magic the Gathering formats where Hindering Light has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Hindering Light card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2008-10-01 Hindering Light can target a spell that has multiple targets, as long as at least one of those targets is you or a permanent you control.
2008-10-01 You may choose to target a spell that “can’t be countered.” If you do, the first part of Hindering Light’s effect won’t do anything, but you’ll still get to draw a card.