Hunted Lammasu MTG Card

Hunted Lammasu serves as an aerial threat, yet gifting opponents a 4/4 creature can be a double-edged sword. The creature’s deck-building constraints and synergy with certain strategies add depth to gameplay. Strategic removals and countering its token-generating drawback are key to mastering this card.
Card setsReleased in 2 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost4
TypeCreature — Lammasu
Abilities Flying
Power 5
Toughness 5

Text of card

Flying When Hunted Lammasu comes into play, put a 4/4 black Horror creature token into play under target opponent's control.

The lammasu ruled the velds before the city grew. Now they roam Ravnica's skies, but their ancient enemies have not forgotten them.

Cards like Hunted Lammasu

Hunted Lammasu may seem like a unique creature card in MTG with its compelling consequence of granting an opponent creature tokens. It’s a white card bearing resemblance to the Hunted series like Hunted Troll and Hunted Dragon. They all share the flavor of gifting the opponent creatures, but each varies in the type and quantity of tokens created. Hunted Lammasu offers an opponent a 4/4 Horror creature token, a sizeable threat, contrasting the Hunted Troll’s offering of four 1/1 creature tokens.

Comparing it to Hunted Phantasm, which gifts five 1/1 tokens to the adversary, it’s significant to note the difference in tactical impact. Phantasm, a blue card, leans towards a different strategy of overwhelming an opponent with numerous but less powerful tokens. Interestingly, Hunted Lammasu does not possess evasion like its blue counterpart’s unblockability, yet offers a solid body as a 4/4 flyer itself.

Analyzing these cards, it’s clear that while each card in the Hunted series invites a distinct strategic plan, Hunted Lammasu stands out by imposing a single substantial token on the field which could sway the tides of gameplay in imaginative ways for MTG enthusiasts.

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Hunted Lammasu offers a subtle card advantage by being a potent threat. While not directly allowing you to draw extra cards, its robust presence on the battlefield can pressure opponents into spending more resources to deal with it than you invested in casting it.

Resource Acceleration: Although Hunted Lammasu doesn’t provide direct mana acceleration, its low-cost and high power can lead to early game tempo gains. This, in turn, can accelerate your board state, allowing for more significant plays in the later stages of the game.

Instant Speed: While not an instant speed spell itself, Hunted Lammasu can synergize well with instant speed removals or counterspells. Deploying it on your turn leaves mana open to strategically respond to threats or actions your opponent might take during their turn, ensuring a well-rounded approach to maintaining board control.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Hunted Lammasu demands a drawback that might not always align with your play strategy. Upon entering the battlefield, the card forces you to hand your opponent a 4/4 creature. This can swing the game’s momentum away from you, especially if you’re unable to leverage the Lammasu’s presence effectively against the new threat.

Specific Mana Cost: With a casting cost that requires two white mana and two generic mana, Hunted Lammasu requires a commitment to white mana sources, potentially limiting the card’s versatility in multi-colored decks. Ensuring mana consistency could pose a challenge when deck building.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Hunted Lammasu’s cost is four mana which is substantial for its stats and effect. When comparing to other creatures within the same mana range, the return on investment may not be as favorable, considering you’re also providing your opponent with a sizable creature. This could be a setback in tightly contested matches where mana efficiency and board presence are crucial.

Reasons to Include Hunted Lammasu in Your Collection

Versatility: Hunted Lammasu offers a unique blend of aggressive stats and challenging deck-building constraints. It can serve as a substantial aerial threat in decks that can mitigate or capitalize on its drawback.

Combo Potential: While gifting an opponent a creature might seem like a downside, savvy players can turn this into an advantage using cards that punish opponents for controlling more creatures or benefit from the extra bodies on the board.

Meta-Relevance: In a format where creating and leveraging creature tokens is popular, Hunted Lammasu can be unexpectedly relevant. It aligns well with strategies that look to outnumber opponents quickly or require a robust flying creature for a cost-efficient rate.

How to beat

Hunted Lammasu presents a unique challenge on the battlefield. As a card with considerable power and toughness, overcoming this creature often requires strategic planning. The key is to exploit its drawback—giving an opponent a creature token upon entering the battlefield. One effective method is to employ removal spells that can target Hunted Lammasu directly, such as Path to Exile or Murder, which can reliably dispatch the creature without much fuss.

Additionally, utilizing counterspells like Cancel or Mana Leak can prevent Hunted Lammasu from hitting the board altogether, circumventing its token-generating ability. For those playing a black deck, edict effects, which force the opponent to sacrifice a creature, can be useful, particularly after the Hunted Lammasu’s token has been dealt with. In decks with access to sacrifice outlets, players can turn the weakness into a strength by using the opponent’s token to their advantage, leveraging it for cards like Bone Splinters or as fodder for sacrifice-triggered abilities.

Ultimately, the strategy to best Hunted Lammasu revolves around mitigating the advantage it gives to the opponent while efficiently dealing with the creature itself. Properly timing removal and disruption can ensure this four-legged threat doesn’t trample over your chances of victory.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Hunted Lammasu MTG card by a specific set like Ravnica: City of Guilds and Commander 2021, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Hunted Lammasu and other MTG cards:

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Continue exploring other sealed products in Amazon
See MTG Products


The Hunted Lammasu Magic the Gathering card was released in 2 different sets between 2005-10-07 and 2021-04-23. Illustrated by Mark Zug.

12005-10-07Ravnica: City of GuildsRAV 222003NormalBlackMark Zug
22021-04-23Commander 2021C21 942015NormalBlackMark Zug


Magic the Gathering formats where Hunted Lammasu has restrictions
