Hypochondria MTG Card

Enables recurring card access, expanding strategic options with graveyard interaction. Early play accelerates resources, potentially securing a lead with strategic plays. Instant speed activation disrupts opponents, offering reactive gameplay advantages.
Hypochondria - Torment
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
Set symbol
Set nameTorment
Set codeTOR
Illustred byChristopher Moeller

Text of card

o W, Discard a card from your hand: Prevent the next 3 damage that would be dealt to target creature or player this turn. o W, Sacrifice Hypochondria: Prevent the next 3 damage that would be dealt to target creature or player this turn.

Cards like Hypochondria

Hypochondria presents itself as an intriguing piece in the pantheon of protection spells within Magic: The Gathering. It parallels effects found in cards like Healing Salve, providing a safeguard option. However, where Healing Salve offers a one-time shield against damage or a slight life boost, Hypochondria takes it further by granting a reusable measure of control over damage prevention, albeit at the cost of discarding a card.

Another card worth considering is Circle of Protection: Red which offers repetitive damage prevention from red sources. Hypochondria, in contrast, allows flexibility against any color, which can be a strategic advantage in games with a diverse array of threats. Then we have Delaying Shield, an interesting alternative that also converts damage into something that can be managed later on, offering a unique angle on damage prevention.

Overall, Hypochondria’s reusable aspect and color-independent protection carve a niche for it in Magic: The Gathering, providing players with a versatile tool to manage threats on the battlefield effectively.

Healing Salve - MTG Card versions
Circle of Protection: Red - MTG Card versions
Delaying Shield - MTG Card versions
Healing Salve - MTG Card versions
Circle of Protection: Red - MTG Card versions
Delaying Shield - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Hypochondria by color, type and mana cost

Blessing - MTG Card versions
Circle of Protection: Red - MTG Card versions
Circle of Protection: Black - MTG Card versions
Island Sanctuary - MTG Card versions
Circle of Protection: White - MTG Card versions
Crusade - MTG Card versions
Circle of Protection: Blue - MTG Card versions
Hallowed Ground - MTG Card versions
Circle of Protection: Artifacts - MTG Card versions
Serra Bestiary - MTG Card versions
Energy Storm - MTG Card versions
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I'm Rubber, You're Glue - MTG Card versions
Absolute Grace - MTG Card versions
Serenity - MTG Card versions
Mageta's Boon - MTG Card versions
Seal of Cleansing - MTG Card versions
Absolute Law - MTG Card versions
Sacred Ground - MTG Card versions
Blessing - MTG Card versions
Circle of Protection: Red - MTG Card versions
Circle of Protection: Black - MTG Card versions
Island Sanctuary - MTG Card versions
Circle of Protection: White - MTG Card versions
Crusade - MTG Card versions
Circle of Protection: Blue - MTG Card versions
Hallowed Ground - MTG Card versions
Circle of Protection: Artifacts - MTG Card versions
Serra Bestiary - MTG Card versions
Energy Storm - MTG Card versions
Ward of Lights - MTG Card versions
Gossamer Chains - MTG Card versions
I'm Rubber, You're Glue - MTG Card versions
Absolute Grace - MTG Card versions
Serenity - MTG Card versions
Mageta's Boon - MTG Card versions
Seal of Cleansing - MTG Card versions
Absolute Law - MTG Card versions
Sacred Ground - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Hypochondria offers a unique advantage by allowing the reuse of specific cards from your graveyard. This recurrent access to key spells can tilt the balance in longer matches by effectively expanding your hand size and options.

Resource Acceleration: As a low-cost enchantment, Hypochondria can be played early, serving as a stepping stone for casting more powerful spells ahead of schedule. This early setup can grant you a lead by having critical resources available sooner than your opponent.

Instant Speed: The ability to activate Hypochondria at instant speed provides a strategic edge. You can maneuver around your opponent’s actions, making reactive decisions during their turn that can disrupt their strategy and protect your interests on the fly.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Casting Hypochondria in MTG requires players to discard a card, which could backfire during critical moments when hand preservation is key to maintaining strategic options.

Specific Mana Cost: Its mana cost necessitates both blue and black mana, which may restrict the card’s integration into multi-colored decks or those that heavily rely on a different color pairing.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a mana value that is substantial for its effects, players might find that Hypochondria’s costs outweigh its benefits when compared to other cards that achieve similar outcomes at a lower mana investment.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Hypochondria offers a unique addition to your arsenal, able to slot effectively into decks that need both damage prevention and graveyard strategies. Its ability to save creatures or provide a health cushion makes it a flexible tool against a variety of threats.

Combo Potential: With its capacity to send cards to the graveyard, Hypochondria can set the stage for powerful graveyard-based combos or enable reanimation tactics. Its synergy with decks that capitalize on graveyard resources is undeniable.

Meta-Relevance: In an environment where aggressive strategies are prevalent, Hypochondria serves as a pivotal piece that can preserve life totals and stymie the opponent’s momentum. Its relevance in the meta can mean the difference between victory and defeat when facing down fast-paced aggressive decks.

How to beat

Hypochondria is a versatile card that presents a unique challenge in any MTG match. Its ability to prevent damage by sacrificing permanents can make it seem like an impenetrable defense. To effectively counteract Hypochondria, it’s crucial to adopt strategies that bypass its protective measures. One efficient approach is to use untargeted damage or board wipes, which aren’t mitigated by Hypochondria’s prevention shield. In this context, global effects like Wrath of God or Damnation are particularly useful, clearing the board regardless of individual protections.

Another tactic involves attacking the player’s resources. Since Hypochondria requires a steady stream of permanents to sacrifice, enforcing discard rules through cards like Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek disrupts the defending player’s hand, limiting their ability to fuel Hypochondria’s ability. Coupled with land destruction or aggressive strategies to pressure the opponent’s life total, these methods can effectively weaken the foundation that Hypochondria relies on, paving the way for your victory.

Therefore, while Hypochondria can provide a formidable barrier, it’s not invulnerable. With the right balance of global effects, resource disruption, and pressure, you can dismantle your opponent’s defense and secure your triumph in the complex and engaging world of MTG.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Hypochondria MTG card by a specific set like Torment, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Hypochondria and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Hypochondria has restrictions
