Mistwalker MTG Card

Mistwalker increases card advantage and offers strategic long game plays with its activated ability. It enhances deck resilience, with instant speed adaptability and ability to return to hand. Mistwalker’s versatility makes it a relevant and adaptable choice in various MTG metagames.
Card setsReleased in 3 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost3
TypeCreature — Shapeshifter
Abilities Changeling,Flying
Power 1
Toughness 4

Text of card

Changeling (This card is every creature type.) Flying : Mistwalker gets +1/-1 until end of turn.

"To escape Littjara, follow a bird." —Tuskeri folklore

Cards like Mistwalker

Mistwalker has carved out its niche within Magic: The Gathering as a shapeshifter with the ability to adapt to numerous strategies. Its closest relative in terms of adaptability is perhaps Changeling Outcast. Like Mistwalker, Changeling Outcast is a member of every creature type, which is vital for decks that are tribal-centric. However, Mistwalker stands out with its flying ability and the potential to grow stronger mid-combat through mana investment.

Another card that echoes Mistwalker’s utility is the Metallic Mimic. Metallic Mimic is embraced for its chameleon-like quality to boost other creatures of the chosen type. While it doesn’t possess the evasive capabilities of Mistwalker or the direct control over its power level, the Mimic’s static buff to others makes it a significant player on the board.

In essence, while each shapeshifter and faux-tribal card in Magic: The Gathering has its quirks and uses, Mistwalker melds flexibility with tactical depth. It’s a card that can sway the tides of battle with its aerial prowess and scalable strength, setting a standard for its unique role in creature decks.

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Changeling Outcast - MTG Card versions
Metallic Mimic - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Mistwalker by color, type and mana cost

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Decks using this card

MTG decks using Mistwalker. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.

Mono-Blue MillMono-Blue Mill PauperPauper Jungle

Card Pros

Card Advantage: The Mistwalker card serves a strategic role in creating card advantage. Its ability to sift through the deck by using its activated ability increases your chances of drawing into more valuable cards. This is essential for gaining the upper hand in the long game.

Resource Acceleration: Utilizing Mistwalker can lead to a form of resource acceleration. Although it might not produce additional mana or tokens, its potential to return to your hand represents a recurring asset that can be replayed, effectively bypassing the one-use limit of many cards.

Instant Speed: With the threat of Mistwalker’s activated ability at instant speed, you can adapt your plays reactively during the game. This flexibility allows you to make more informed decisions by responding to your opponent’s actions, thus increasing its tactical value and surprise factor.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Playing Mistwalker requires you to throw away another card, which can be a setback when your hand is already running thin. Deciding which card to discard can sometimes lead to a less optimal play or deplete your strategic options.

Specific Mana Cost: Mistwalker demands a precise combination of mana to cast, including blue mana. This makes it less flexible for inclusion in multicolor decks that may not always have the right mana mix.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Though Mistwalker brings unique abilities to the battlefield, its casting cost is relatively steep for its power level. There are cards of a lower mana value that could bring a more immediate impact to your game without such a significant investment.

Reasons to Include Mistwalker Mtg Card in Your Collection

Versatility: Mistwalker boasts flexibility in deck building, fitting seamlessly into decks that leverage the shapeshifter tribe or those harnessing blue’s flying creatures. Its changeling ability allows it to be considered any creature type, enhancing synergies across various strategies.

Combo Potential: This card shows excellent combo potential with its ability to dodge removal by returning to its owner’s hand. It can also repeatedly trigger enter-the-battlefield effects or take advantage of bouncing mechanics to gain the upper hand in a match.

Meta-Relevance: As the game environment often fluctuates, a card like Mistwalker remains relevant due to its adaptability. It can challenge opponents in creature-heavy decks and proves to be a resilient threat in the evolving metagame.

How to Beat Mistwalker

Mistwalker has carved a niche for itself in the world of MTG as a shifty creature, elusive and with the innate ability to become more potent with its prowess-like ability. This feathery friend is not only tricky due to its flying ability but can also evade some targeted removal by shrinking out of harm’s way.

To best it, direct removal spells that don’t target, such as Wrath of God or Shatter the Sky, can bypass its evasive maneuvers. Alternatively, employing creatures with reach can block it or casting spells that affect all creatures regardless of their size or abilities might just be the answer. Strategies revolving around graveyard synergy can also circumvent the need to interact with it on the battlefield entirely.

Keeping a cool head and the right arsenal in hand, any player can take down a Mistwalker. A solid game plan will involve controlling the board while setting up for an unstoppable force that doesn’t reckon with individual creatures, regardless of their abilities to dodge or enhance themselves.

BurnMana Recommendations

Dive deeper into the strategic depths of MTG with Mistwalker, a card that strikes a balance between adaptability and power. Understanding its strengths like card advantage and instant speed tactics, along with its drawbacks such as specific mana requirements, can refine your gameplay. Incorporate Mistwalker into your collection and watch as flexibility and combo potential unfold in your deck, responding adeptly to the shifting metagame. Navigate through the realm of shapeshifters and enhance your arsenal to outmaneuver your opponents. Enrich your knowledge and mastery—the path to becoming an adept MTG player beckons. Discover more with us.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Mistwalker MTG card by a specific set like Kaldheim and Kaldheim Art Series, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Mistwalker and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Mistwalker Magic the Gathering card was released in 3 different sets between 2021-02-05 and 2022-12-02. Illustrated by Steve Prescott.

12021-02-05KaldheimKHM 682015NormalBlackSteve Prescott
22021-02-05Kaldheim Art SeriesAKHM 182015Art seriesBorderlessSteve Prescott
32022-12-02Jumpstart 2022J22 3232015NormalBlackSteve Prescott


Magic the Gathering formats where Mistwalker has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Mistwalker card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2021-02-05 Changeling is a characteristic-defining ability. It functions in all zones, not only while a card that has it is on the battlefield.
2021-02-05 If an effect causes a creature with changeling to become a new creature type, it will be only that new creature type. It will still have changeling; the effect making it all creature types will simply be overwritten.
2021-02-05 If an effect causes a creature with changeling to lose all abilities, it will remain all creature types, even though it will no longer have changeling. This is because changeling applies before the effect that removes it.
2021-02-05 The subtype Shapeshifter that appears on the type line is mostly there to reinforce the flavor. A creature card with changeling is just as much an Elf, a Dwarf, a Sliver, a Goat, a Coward, and a Zombie as it is a Shapeshifter.