Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant // Rune-Tail's Essence MTG Card

Rune-Tail provides card advantage by shielding creatures from damage, preserving on-field presence. Instant speed transformation to enchantment offers strategic flexibility against opponents’ threats. While potent, the card requires careful mana and life total management to fully utilize.
Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant // Rune-Tail's Essence - Mystery Booster Retail Edition Foils
Mana cost
Converted mana cost3
TypeLegendary Creature — Fox Monk
Set symbol
Set nameMystery Booster Retail Edition Foils
Set codeFMB1
Power 2
Toughness 2
Illustred byRandy Gallegos

Text of card

When you have 30 or more life, flip Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant.

Cards like Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant // Rune-Tail's Essence

Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant shines among creature-based cards that pivot around life-total triggered abilities in Magic: The Gathering. Its similarity with Teferei’s Protection lies in its ability to shield your permanents. Once you reach 30 life, Rune-Tail flips and prevents all damage that would be dealt to creatures you control. Teferei’s Protection, while temporary, phases out your belongings, also effectively nullifying damage until your next turn.

Delving further, we find cards like Ghostly Prison demonstrate a passive defensive strategy, making it costly for opponents to attack you. Unlike Rune-Tail, it doesn’t prevent damage but complicates opponents’ combat decisions. Eladamri’s Call, a non-defensive comparison, shares the creature tutor ability present in Rune-Tail’s creature form. It efficiently fetches any creature from your library, adding it to your hand, but without the unique transformation and preventative shield mechanism.

In evaluating these cards alongside Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant, it’s evident that while each offers distinct advantages, Rune-Tail stands out with its transformative protective capability, setting a strong defensive stance in any MTG game where maintaining a high life total is within your strategy.

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Eladamri's Call - MTG Card versions

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Rune-Tail Kitsune Ascendant shines in its unique ability to turn into an enchantment that prevents damage to creatures you control. This feature can effectively negate opponent strategies that depend on dealing damage, thus maintaining your on-board presence and sustaining card advantage over the course of the game.

Resource Acceleration: While this card does not directly provide resource acceleration in the form of mana, it does offer a different kind of acceleration. By fortifying your creatures against damage, Rune-Tail allows you to commit more resources to the field without the fear of losing them, which indirectly accelerates your board state development and can lead to a quicker victory.

Instant Speed: The transition of Rune-Tail Kitsune Ascendant from creature to enchantment can happen at instant speed, granting you the flexibility to react to your opponent’s plays. This can be a game-changer, as the flip can be used in response to a wide range of threats, potentially saving your creatures from otherwise devastating spells or effects.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: While Rune-Tail Kitsune Ascendant doesn’t directly make you discard cards, it does require you to have 30 or more life to flip into Rune-Tail’s Essence. This can sometimes leave you holding onto cards you might otherwise want to play or discard in order to meet this condition, indirectly impacting your hand and strategy.

Specific Mana Cost: Rune-Tail Kitsune Ascendant requires three white mana, which can be restrictive in multicolored decks. This can make it tough to cast on curve, especially in formats with demanding mana bases, limiting its versatility across various deck types.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a mana cost of three white symbols, Rune-Tail is a commitment to a single color and also competes for the three-drop slot with other staples in the format. As a result, players may opt for more dynamic or impactful three-drops, considering the pay-off of Rune-Tail Kitsune Ascendant’s ability might not always align with the deck’s strategy or the pace of the game.

Reasons to Include Rune-Tail Kitsune Ascendant in Your Collection

Versatility: Rune-Tail Kitsune Ascendant offers utility in a range of decks, particularly those focused on defense or life gain strategies. This card’s ability to protect your creatures turns it into an exceptional defense mechanism under the right conditions.

Combo Potential: When Rune-Tail is flipped into its enchantment form, it opens up numerous combo possibilities. Pairing it with cards that allow creatures to fight or deal damage without consequence can create powerful board control dynamics. It also synergizes with damage-preventing effects, amplifying their impact.

Meta-Relevance: In an environment where aggressive strategies prevail, Rune-Tail Kitsune Ascendant can be a game-changer by nullifying damage done to creatures you control. This not only disrupts opponent’s strategies but can also provide you with a significant advantage as the game progresses.

How to beat Rune-Tail Kitsune Ascendant

Rune-Tail Kitsune Ascendant is a unique card in the world of Magic: The Gathering that can turn the tide if left unchecked. Its ability to convert into an enchantment and make creatures you control impervious to damage is a tough nut to crack. However, strategies to overcome this include using removal spells that don’t deal damage, such as ‘Path to Exile’ or ‘Swords to Plowshares’, which can exile it before it flips into its potent enchantment form.

Moreover, focusing on ways to manage your opponent’s life total can also prevent Rune-Tail from transforming. Employing direct life loss effects or using cards that impose conditions for loss of life can help maintain pressure and legality. In short, proactive removal, life total management, and non-damage based control elements are pivotal when playing against Rune-Tail Kitsune Ascendant. Understanding its mechanics and preparing accordingly will help ensure that this seemingly impenetrable fortress doesn’t stand in the way of victory.

BurnMana Recommendations

Dive deeper into the strategic potential of Rune-Tail Kitsune Ascendant to fortify your gameplay in MTG. This card’s defensive prowess and enchanting versatility offer intriguing options for those aiming to safeguard their creatures. Embrace the exploration of complex board states and evolving tactics as you integrate this powerful card into your deck. Understanding its pros and cons allows for more informed decisions, enhancing your overall MTG experience. If you’re seeking to create an impenetrable line of defense or capitalize on life-gain synergies, let Rune-Tail be your guide. Expand your playstyle and collection; join us to explore more insights and strategies.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant // Rune-Tail's Essence MTG card by a specific set like Mystery Booster Retail Edition Foils, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant // Rune-Tail's Essence and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant // Rune-Tail's Essence has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant // Rune-Tail's Essence card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2005-06-01 Each Ascendant is legendary in both its unflipped and flipped forms. This means that effects that look for legendary creature cards, such as Time of Need and Captain Sisay, can find an Ascendant.