Somberwald Stag MTG Card

Somberwald Stag offers card advantage by potentially removing threats and establishing board presence. Despite its strengths, the Stag has a restrictive mana cost and competes with other five-mana cards. It’s valued for its flexibility and meta-relevance, especially in creature-heavy environments.
Card setsReleased in 2 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost5
TypeCreature — Elk
Abilities Fight
Power 4
Toughness 3

Text of card

When Somberwald Stag enters the battlefield, you may have it fight target creature you don't control.

Despite the reemergence of werewolves and the proliferation of Eldrazi, elk numbers in the Somberwald have remained steady.

Cards like Somberwald Stag

Somberwald Stag is a unique creature in MTG, offering both presence on the battlefield and an impactful enter-the-battlefield (ETB) ability. When comparing it to other cards, Loxodon Hierarch stands out with its ETB effect resulting in a significant life gain as well as board protection. However, what sets the Stag apart is its ability to target and potentially remove an opponent’s creature, a valuable tactical advantage in creature-focused matchups.

Murderous Rider presents another form of removal attached to a creature but with the added versatility of an instant-speed spell in its adventure mode. While Murderous Rider excels with its swift removal and lifelink attribute, the Stag’s greater power can influence the board more considerably upon entry. Then there’s Flametongue Kavu – an MTG classic with a similar ETB creature removal ability. The Kavu is more aggressive with a fixed 4 damage removal, yet lacks the Stag’s flexibility to potentially tackle larger threats.

Direct creature removal options on creatures like Somberwald Stag are always a valuable asset. They provide dynamic gameplay choices and can shift game momentum. This creature indeed holds its ground among MTG’s intriguing blend of creature removal and solid creature bodies.

Loxodon Hierarch - MTG Card versions
Flametongue Kavu - MTG Card versions
Loxodon Hierarch - MTG Card versions
Flametongue Kavu - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Somberwald Stag by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Somberwald Stag presents the potential to eliminate a threat on the board while maintaining presence with a 4/3 creature. This ability can effectively turn the tide of a game by reducing an opponent’s options and strengthening your own board state.

Resource Acceleration: While it doesn’t directly accelerate resources in terms of mana, the Stag’s ability to potentially remove a key blocking creature can facilitate faster damage to your opponent, indirectly accelerating your path to victory.

Instant Speed: The fight mechanic triggered when the Stag enters the battlefield is not at instant speed. However, the versatility of this card in either main phase can force an opponent to think twice before playing creatures with 3 toughness or less, allowing you to influence their plays even when it’s not your turn.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Somberwald Stag does not directly require discarding as a cost, but its presence in a hand could indirectly pressure a player to discard other valuable cards when facing hand-size limitations.

Specific Mana Cost: The Stag’s casting cost includes both generic and forest mana, which ties it to green-centric or two-color decks, potentially restricting its versatility in a diverse format.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a casting cost of five mana, Somberwald Stag faces stiff competition from other five-mana creatures or spells that may offer both immediate impact and game-turning advantages.

Reasons to Include Somberwald Stag in Your Collection

Versatility: Somberwald Stag fits into a variety of green-centric decks due to its flexible nature. As a creature that can act as both a board presence and removal, it adapts to many situations on the battlefield.

Combo Potential: This card has an intrinsic synergy with effects that capitalize on fighting mechanics or need targeted removal to clear the way for bigger threats. It’s great for enabling combos or interactions in decks that benefit from creature-based strategies.

Meta-Relevance: In environments where creature-heavy decks prevail, Somberwald Stag can be especially useful. Its ability to selectively take down key creatures can be a game-changer in the right meta, making it a smart choice for adapting to the current trends.

How to beat

Somberwald Stag is a creature card in MTG that offers both utility and aggression for its users. A quick way to swing the game in your favor when facing the stag is to make use of instant-speed removal spells. Cards like Doom Blade or Murder can efficiently dispose of the stag before its fight ability triggers, rendering the opponent’s carefully laid plans obsolete. Another strategy is to keep creatures with deathtouch on the board, such as Gifted Aetherborn or Vampire Nighthawk, which ensures that any creature chosen to fight will be destroyed, including the formidable stag.

Alternatively, counter spells also serve as a reliable measure to suppress the Somberwald Stag. If you anticipate the presence of this card in an opponent’s deck, holding up mana for a counterspell like Cancel or Mana Leak can prevent it from landing on the battlefield and causing any havoc. You might also consider using flicker effects to remove your creature from the fight or blink the stag itself with cards like Essence Flux. This approach can invalidate the fight, keep your creatures safe, and in some cases, turn the tide of the match in your favor.

Ultimately, facing Somberwald Stag requires timely reactions and strategic plays to prevent your opponent from capitalizing on its potential. Keeping these tactics in mind can help you maintain control of the game and work towards securing victory.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Somberwald Stag MTG card by a specific set like Eldritch Moon and Jumpstart, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Somberwald Stag and other MTG cards:

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Continue exploring other sealed products in Amazon
See MTG Products


The Somberwald Stag Magic the Gathering card was released in 2 different sets between 2016-07-22 and 2020-07-17. Illustrated by Lake Hurwitz.

12016-07-22Eldritch MoonEMN 1692015NormalBlackLake Hurwitz
22020-07-17JumpstartJMP 4312015NormalBlackLake Hurwitz


Magic the Gathering formats where Somberwald Stag has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Somberwald Stag card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2016-07-13 If the targeted creature is an illegal target when Somberwald Stag’s ability tries to resolve, the ability doesn’t resolve. If Somberwald Stag is no longer on the battlefield, the targeted creature won’t deal or be dealt damage.
2016-07-13 You choose the target of the triggered ability as it goes on the stack, but you choose whether or not to fight as that ability resolves.