Xenagos Ascended MTG Card

Xenagos swiftly fills your hand and battlefield, overshadowing opponents with unexpected creature plays. Abilities enable rapid mana gain, hastening your path to powerful, game-ending plays. Instant speed loyalty abilities of Xenagos allow for dynamic and disruptive play, giving you the upper hand.
Xenagos Ascended - Defeat a God
TypeToken Legendary Enchantment Creature — God
Set symbol
Set nameDefeat a God
Set codeTDAG
Power 6
Toughness 5
Illustred byTyler Jacobson

Text of card

Xenagos Ascended can't leave the battlefield as long as a Reveler is on the battlefield. When Xenagos Ascended leaves the battlefield, each player wins the game.

Cards like Xenagos Ascended

Xenagos Ascended joins the ranks of transformative planeswalker cards within Magic: The Gathering. This powerful card shares traits with other God cards like Thassa, God of the Sea, offering both indestructible qualities and the ability to dodge creature removal as long as devotion to their colors isn’t met. Xenagos, however, brings something unique to the table: on its planeswalker side, it offers an unstoppable force by providing creatures with haste and a much-dreaded doubling of power.

Comparably, we look at Elspeth, Sun’s Champion. While Elspeth doesn’t flip like Xenagos Ascended, it does affect the board by generating token creatures and comes equipped with a devastating ultimate ability. The functionality between these two cards provides players a choice between aggressive offensive strategies and defensive flexibility.

To sum up, Xenagos Ascended finds its place in Magic: The Gathering as a dynamic card with a shift in power and gameplay strategies, making it an attractive option for players who enjoy multifaceted and aggressive decks that can adapt to a variety of situations.

Thassa, God of the Sea - MTG Card versions
Elspeth, Sun's Champion - MTG Card versions
Thassa, God of the Sea - MTG Card versions
Elspeth, Sun's Champion - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Xenagos Ascended shines when it comes to decking your hand with more options. This powerful planeswalker lets you sift through your library, bringing creatures directly onto the battlefield, thus bypassing the need to draw and play them. This capacity to cheat creatures into play not only thickens your hand but often outpaces your opponent’s capacity to deal with the sudden onslaught.

Resource Acceleration: Xenagos Ascended helps ramp up your mana resources rapidly. His ability to untap lands or generate extra mana dependent on your creatures’ power can leapfrog you to your game-winning strategies much quicker than expected. The surplus mana can then be funneled into casting larger threats, further compounding the pressure on your opponent.

Instant Speed: The option to activate loyalty abilities at instant speed throws a wrench into opponents’ plans. You can adapt to the evolving board state and make smarter, more impactful decisions. Whether it’s summoning creatures or boosting mana during the opponent’s turn, this flexibility often translates to a significant strategic edge.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Engaging with Xenagos Ascended in your deck brings a strategic twist, as it requires a card to be discarded to activate its abilities. While this can be part of a tactical play, it can also put you at a disadvantage, especially when your hand is already running low on options.

Specific Mana Cost: Another aspect that might make players think twice is the specific mana cost associated with Xenagos Ascended. It demands a particular combination of mana types which might not align with every deck’s mana base, potentially causing hiccups in game play consistency.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Lastly, when it comes to its mana cost, Xenagos Ascended stands on the higher end of the spectrum. In the fast-paced world of MTG, where every turn counts, the mana investment to get Xenagos up and running may be a tad too steep, considering the array of lower cost cards that could fit more seamlessly into your game plan.

Reasons to Include Xenagos Ascended in Your Collection

Versatility: Xenagos Ascended shines with its ability to adapt to various gameplay strategies. This card’s power doesn’t just rest in one aspect of the game but can influence multiple facets from board presence to resource acceleration.

Combo Potential: With the right setup, Xenagos Ascended can unleash a multitude of combo opportunities. Its synergy with creatures that benefit from power boosts or additional combat phases can turn the tide of a game in your favor.

Meta-Relevance: Standing strong in a dynamic meta, this card can match up well against popular decks. Knowing its strengths can give you a significant advantage when facing diverse opponents and cement its place as a staple in your lineup.

How to beat

Xenagos Ascended is a formidable card that can bolster your opponents’ creatures, making them a significant threat in any MTG battle. To effectively neutralize its impact, smart counterplay is crucial. Removal spells are your best friend when facing this godly card. Direct damage spells or targeted removal like Doom Blade can take out Xenagos before its abilities can turn the tide of the game. Moreover, because Xenagos becomes a creature when your opponent’s devotion to red and green is high enough, board wipes that clear multiple creatures, such as Wrath of God, can send Xenagos back to the command zone or into the graveyard, nullifying its buff abilities.

It’s also beneficial to manage the battlefield and keep the opponent’s creature count low, reducing the devotion and rendering Xenagos a non-threat. Enchantment removal spells like Revoke Existence or Disenchant are vital too, as they can directly target Xenagos when it’s not a creature. Using these methods, the overwhelming presence of Xenagos Ascended can be mitigated. Plan your strategy accordingly, and your deck will have a fighting chance against the might of this powerful card.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Xenagos Ascended MTG card by a specific set like Defeat a God, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Xenagos Ascended and other MTG cards:

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