Ludevic's Test Subject // Ludevic's Abomination Carta MTG

The card’s growth offers card advantage and doesn’t diminish your hand when it becomes a 13/13 trample. Transformation at instant speed gives tactical leverage, creating unexpected challenges for your opponent. Despite drawbacks like high mana cost, Ludevic’s Abomination promises a dramatic game tempo shift.
Colecciones da cartaLanzado en 3 coleccionesVer todos
Costo de maná convertido2
TipoCreature — Lizard Horror
Habilidades Trample
Fuerza 13
Tenacidad 13

Texto de la carta


After several frustrating experiments, the visionary Ludevic realized he needed to create a monster that fed on torch-wielding mobs.

Cartas como Ludevic's Test Subject // Ludevic's Abomination

In the vast catalog of Magic: The Gathering, Ludevic’s Abomination stands out among transforming creatures. This monstrosity is akin to other flip cards within the Innistrad block like Delver of Secrets, which starts as a modest creature and evolves into a formidable threat. Unlike Ludevic’s Abomination, which requires a wealth of seven creature cards in your graveyard to transform, Delver of Secrets has the simplicity of requiring just an instant or sorcery reveal to become Insectile Aberration, a potent flying creature.

Morphing from Ludevic’s Test Subject, the five-mana cost Abomination is reminiscent of the mechanic seen in cards like Thing in the Ice. Although it requires specific conditions to flip, once transformed, it becomes a powerhouse with 13/13 stats. Thing in the Ice, with its cheaper casting cost, turns into Awoken Horror after casting four spells, resetting the board with its bounce effect and offering a strategic position in the game. Despite having smaller stats post-transformation, it compensates with an impactful board presence.

Both cards add strategy and surprise to the match, but Ludevic’s Abomination captivates players with the sheer scale of its transformation, making it a unique and thrilling inclusion in decks geared towards graveyard manipulation and late-game dominance.

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: This behemoth of a creature transforms from Ludevic’s Test Subject, granting you a significant on-board presence while effectively retaining the cards already invested in its creation. This leads to a net positive in your card economy, setting you up with a formidable threat without losing card advantage.

Resource Acceleration: Ludevic’s Abomination gains trample once transformed, which allows you to accelerate the rate at which you deal damage to your opponent, potentially shortening the number of turns needed to win. While it doesn’t directly impact mana resources, the sheer presence of a 13/13 creature on the field can drastically accelerate the game’s tempo in your favor.

Instant Speed: The transformation from Ludevic’s Test Subject to Ludevic’s Abomination can be activated at instant speed, offering strategic flexibility. You have the ability to surprise an unknowing opponent by unveiling the Abomination at the most opportune moment, such as after they’ve declared attackers or in response to a spell that would have removed the Test Subject. This instant-speed trickery can swing games in your favor, catching opponents off guard and disrupting their plans.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Ludevic’s Abomination comes with a hefty price of having to discard two cards. This can be particularly disadvantageous during late-game situations where your hand size may already be depleted, leaving you with fewer options to respond to your opponent’s moves.

Specific Mana Cost: The creature’s requirement for both blue and green mana limits its inclusion to decks that can reliably produce both colors. If your mana base isn’t solidly built around these two colors, casting Ludevic’s Abomination can prove to be a challenge.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Sitting at seven mana to cast, Ludevic’s Abomination requires a substantial investment of resources. For this amount of mana, players might expect more immediate board impact, and there are alternatives in the same cost bracket that could potentially offer more impactful effects or less restrictive casting conditions.

Reasons to Include Ludevic’s Abomination in Your Collection

Versatility: Ludevic’s Abomination seamlessly integrates into a variety of blue-centric decks. Its transformation from Ludevic’s Test Subject provides a game-changing creature that can adapt to diverse board states.

Combo Potential: This card has inherent synergy with strategies that capitalize on flipping or bouncing creatures, pairing well with flicker effects to reset Ludevic’s Test Subject or strategies that benefit from large, inexpensive creatures.

Meta-Relevance: In a meta where large blockers can be paramount, Ludevic’s Abomination stands out as a sizable threat that can dominate the battlefield and sway the matchup in your favor, especially when the opponent’s removal has been exhausted.

How to beat

Ludevic’s Abomination, also known in its initial form as Ludevic’s Test Subject, is a unique transform card that challenges MTG players with its ability to become a potent creature. Initially a defensive 0/3 for two mana, it grows with five incubation counters and eventually flips into a 13/13 trample, Ludevic’s Abomination. Despite its intimidating final form, there are effective strategies for dealing with it.

Interaction through instant-speed removal spells can prove invaluable against Ludevic’s Abomination. Since it requires counters to transform, countering the activation ability or removing the creature before it accumulates enough counters to flip is an effective tactic. Additionally, cards that prevent counter accumulation or remove them can stall or halt the transformation entirely. Should the Abomination hit the field, exile effects or spells that tuck the creature back into the owner’s library circumvents the trample threat while bypassing its regeneration capability. In essence, dealing with this card is a matter of timing and choosing the right removal strategy to address the beast before or directly after it transforms.

In summary, overcoming Ludevic’s Abomination indeed lives up to the strategic depth of MTG, where pinpoint timing and savvy card choice are key to victory.

Donde comprar

Si estás buscando comprar una carta MTG Ludevic's Test Subject // Ludevic's Abomination de un coleccione específico como Magic Online Promos and Innistrad Promos, existen varias opciones confiables que debes considerar. Una de las fuentes principales es tu tienda de juegos local, donde a menudo puedes encontrar paquetes de refuerzo, cartas individuales y mazos preconstruidos de colecciones actuales y pasadas. A menudo ofrecen el beneficio adicional de una comunidad donde puedes intercambiar con otros jugadores.

Para un inventario más amplio, particularmente de colecciones más antiguos, mercados en línea como TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom y Card Market ofrecen amplias selecciones y te permiten buscar cartas de colecciones específicos. Las plataformas de comercio electrónico más grandes como eBay y Amazon también tienen listados de varios vendedores, lo que puede ser un buen lugar para buscar productos sellados y hallazgos raros.

Además, el sitio oficial de Magic suele tener un localizador de tiendas y listas de minoristas para encontrar Wizards of the Productos con licencia costera. Recuerde comprobar la autenticidad y el estado de las cartas al comprarlas, especialmente a vendedores individuales en mercados más grandes.

A continuación se muestra una lista de algunos sitios web de tiendas donde puede comprar las Ludevic's Test Subject // Ludevic's Abomination y otras cartas MTG:

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La carta Ludevic's Test Subject // Ludevic's Abomination Magic the Gathering se lanzó en 3 colecciones diferentes entre 2011-09-24 y 2011-09-30. Ilustrado por 2 diferentes artistas.

12002-06-24Magic Online PromosPRM 428742003TransformarNegraKarl Kopinski
22011-09-24Innistrad PromosPISD 64★2003TransformarNegraKarl Kopinski
32011-09-30InnistradISD 642003TransformarNegraNils Hamm


Formatos de Magic the Gathering donde Ludevic's Test Subject // Ludevic's Abomination tiene restricciones


Reglas e información

La guía de referencia para las reglas de las cartas Ludevic's Test Subject // Ludevic's Abomination de Magic: The Gathering proporciona las reglas oficiales, las erratas emitidas, así como un registro de todas las modificaciones funcionales que se han producido.

Fecha Texto
2016-07-13 For more information on double-faced cards, see the Shadows over Innistrad mechanics article (