Knight Carta MTG

Knights offer card advantage through abilities that replenish your hand, fortifying board control. They can accelerate your mana resources, enabling quicker deployment of impactful spells. Instant speed casting of knights adds a tactical layer to gameplay, surprising opponents.
ExpansõesLançada em 23 expansõesVer todas
TipoToken Creature — Knight
Habilidades Vigilance
Ataque 2
Defesa 2

Texto da carta


Cartas similares a Knight

Within the realm of MTG, Knight cards embody a blend of valor and might, frequently offering a mix of aggressive stats and strategic utility. When looking at similar creatures, Silver Knight stands out with its protection from red and vigilance, making it a formidable foe against decks heavy on red spells. Comparatively, White Knight also provides protection from black and boasts a first strike ability, soaring ahead with preemptive combat potential.

Moving to themed synergy, the Knight Exemplar is a notable pillar, granting other Knights indestructible as long as it’s on the field – a powerful boon for any Knight-centric deck. History of Benalia presents a different dimension by not just summoning Knight tokens but also boosting their strength through its saga mechanic. This enchantment unfolds a narrative that culminates in empowering your entire cavalry, proving invaluable during crucial turns.

To conclude, while each Knight card carries the chivalrous spirit, their idiosyncrasies demand players to weigh their decks’ strategic direction. Whether it’s standalone efficiency or synergistic power, knights like Silver Knight and White Knight, along with support cards like Knight Exemplar and History of Benalia, ensure your knights’ charge is as formidable as it is storied in the annals of MTG.

Silver Knight - Carta Magic versões
White Knight - Carta Magic versões
Knight Exemplar - Carta Magic versões
History of Benalia - Carta Magic versões
Silver Knight - Carta Magic versões
White Knight - Carta Magic versões
Knight Exemplar - Carta Magic versões
History of Benalia - Carta Magic versões

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Knight cards often play a critical role in gaining card advantage by offering abilities such as drawing a card when they enter the battlefield or when they attack. This allows you to maintain a strong presence on the board while keeping your hand replenished.

Resource Acceleration: Some Knight cards come with abilities that can ramp up your mana resources, either by tapping for mana or by reducing the cost of other Knight spells. This can enable faster deployment of high-impact cards and solidify your battlefield dominance.

Instant Speed: Knights that can be cast at instant speed offer flexible strategies, allowing you to surprise your opponents by summoning creatures during their turn or right before yours starts. It can be a valuable asset during combat or for adapting to sudden shifts in the game state.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Some knight cards require discarding as part of their casting or activation cost. This can be a double-edged sword, leading to a decrease in hand advantage and potentially forcing players to make difficult decisions regarding resource management.

Specific Mana Cost: Knights often have a mana cost that includes white mana symbols, which may not align with multicolor or non-white decks. This specificity can restrict their versatility and limit the deck types they can be effectively played in.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Given their robust abilities and combat prowess, knight cards can come with a higher mana cost compared to other creature types. This may result in slower gameplay or delay in deploying these cards on the battlefield, potentially giving opponents the opportunity to establish their board presence or counteract strategies.

Reasons to Include Knight MTG Cards in Your Collection

Versatility: Knight cards are renowned for their ability to adapt to various deck themes and strategies. From providing early game defense to powerful late-game threats, they offer a range of options that cater to different playstyles.

Combo Potential: Knights often come with synergistic abilities that can significantly strengthen your battlefield presence. They may enhance one another’s combat capabilities or work together to unlock powerful effects that can turn the tide of a game.

Meta-Relevance: The recurring theme of Knights across multiple sets makes them a resilient choice in an ever-evolving meta. They can be potent against an array of common deck types, ensuring their utility in competitive settings.

How to beat

Knight MTG cards often come with a mix of agility and robust defense strategies, setting a stage for formidable gameplay. These type of cards shine in synergy-centric decks, where buffs and equipment spells enhance their battle capabilities. To successfully counteract such a strategy, removing their support is key. This means focusing on spell cards that can dismantle enchantments and artifacts that knights typically rely on. Moreover, board wipes can be particularly effective since knight decks often rely on a wide presence to maximize their collective strength.

One approach is to employ cards with deathtouch or those that offer multiple blockers to outnumber the knights, limiting their damage output through sheer numbers. Another tactic is to utilize control elements such as counter spells and direct removals to maintain a manageable state of play. In essence, gaining an upper hand against a knight deck often involves anticipating enhancements and disrupting their synergies before the knights can establish an overwhelming presence on the field.

To encapsulate, while knight MTG cards can create a formidable frontline, their dependency on synergies can be exploited. By strategically utilizing disruption, removal, and control techniques, players can effectively navigate through and ultimately dismantle a knight-based strategy.

Onde comprar

Se você deseja comprar um cartão Knight MTG de um conjunto específico como Return to Ravnica and Magic Origins, há diversas opções confiáveis a serem consideradas. Uma das principais fontes é a loja de jogos local, onde muitas vezes você pode encontrar boosters, cartas individuais e decks pré-construídos de conjuntos atuais e de alguns conjuntos anteriores. Eles geralmente oferecem o benefício adicional de uma comunidade onde você pode negociar com outros jogadores.

Para um inventário mais amplo, especialmente de conjuntos mais antigos, mercados on-line como TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom e Card Market oferecem seleções extensas e permitem que você pesquise cartas de conjuntos específicos. Grandes plataformas de comércio eletrônico, como eBay e Amazon, também têm listagens de vários vendedores, o que pode ser um bom lugar para procurar produtos lacrados e achados raros.

Além disso, o site oficial do Magic geralmente tem um localizador de lojas e listas de varejistas para encontrar a Wizards of the Produtos licenciados pela Costa. Lembre-se de verificar a autenticidade e a condição dos cartões ao comprar, especialmente de vendedores individuais em mercados maiores.

Abaixo está uma lista de alguns sites de lojas onde você pode comprar os Knight e outras cartas MTG:

BurnMana é parceiro oficial da TCGPlayer
Continue explorando outros produtos selados na Amazon
Veja produtos de MTG


A carta Knight Magic the Gathering foi lançada em 21 expansões diferentes entre 2012-10-05 e 2023-09-08. Ilustrado por 9 artistas diferentes.

12012-10-05Return to RavnicaRTR 22003FichaPretaMatt Stewart
22015-07-17Magic OriginsORI 22015FichaPretaMatt Stewart
32015-11-13Commander 2015C15 52015FichaPretaMatt Stewart
42015-11-13Commander 2015C15 42015FichaPretaHideaki Takamura
52017-06-09Commander AnthologyCMA 22015FichaPretaMatt Stewart
62018-04-27DominariaDOM 12015FichaPretaDan Scott
72018-04-27DominariaDOM 22015FichaPretaTyler Walpole
82018-06-08Commander Anthology Volume IICM2 42015FichaPretaHideaki Takamura
92018-07-13Core Set 2019M19 42015FichaPretaMatt Stewart
102019-10-04Throne of EldraineELD 32015FichaPretaDan Scott
112020-07-03Core Set 2021M21 42015FichaPretaDan Scott
122021-03-19Time Spiral RemasteredTSR 52015FichaPretaWilliam O'Connor
132021-07-23Forgotten Realms CommanderAFC 22015FichaPretaDan Scott
142021-09-24Midnight Hunt CommanderMIC 32015FichaPretaMatt Stewart
152022-06-10Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's GateCLB 22015FichaPretaPaolo Puggioni
162022-07-08Double Masters 20222X2 52015FichaPretaMatt Stewart
172022-09-09Dominaria UnitedDMU 32015FichaPretaMatt Stewart
182022-09-09Dominaria United CommanderDMC 32015FichaPretaDan Scott
192023-04-21March of the Machine Japanese Promo TokensWMOM 32015FichaSem bordaLack
202023-04-21March of the MachineMOM 102015FichaPretaErnanda Souza
212023-04-21March of the Machine CommanderMOC 72015FichaPretaDan Scott
222023-08-04Commander MastersCMM 72015FichaPretaMatt Stewart
232023-09-08Wilds of EldraineWOE 32015FichaPretaDominik Mayer
Vigilance card art

Guia da habilidade Vigilância

No universo estratégico de Magic: The Gathering (MTG), a habilidade de vigilância se destaca como uma ferramenta poderosa para os jogadores. Esta poderosa palavra-chave permite que as criaturas ataquem sem tocar, mantendo-as prontas e alertas para se defenderem contra ameaças futuras. Representa um equilíbrio perfeito entre agressão e defesa, oferecendo uma abordagem dinâmica à jogabilidade. Vamos nos aprofundar em como a vigilância molda o campo de batalha.